Eric R. Fulton - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
Eric is the CEO as well as the Sr. Enterprise Engineer and Architect of Fulton Technologies, Inc. He brings over 25 years of information technology experience to his clients. Eric was born in Seattle and has worked since the age of 12. He started out as an assistant janitor for a subcontractor to Washington Mutual Bank. At 18 he joined the US Naval Reserve and after brief period volunteered for active duty. Upon completion of service he attended a local business college studying computer science and programming. In 1990 Eric got his first IT position as a technical support rep and software engineer at an accounting software company that used Informix-4GL/RDS, SQL, C, and shell scripts. He assisted in porting application source code to several UNIX platforms including; AT&T System 5 Release 3 & 4, SUN OS, SCO UNIX/XENIX, Sequent/DYNIX, DG AViiON, HP 9000, and IBM RT/RS6000/AIX. In 1991 Eric started a computer consulting firm that provided service and support of personal computers for home users and the small business. After listening to the customers explain what they wanted to achieve with new or existing equipment, he would make recommendations, and if necessary purchase, and install complete PC systems for customers. He installed and configured peripherals (once he even integrated security cameras and other devices to computerized cash registers running a point of sale application), a very broad range of software applications, and operating systems. For networking, he ran the network cable himself. He trained the customers in the use of the new or modified equipment and software. He provided support contracts and repaired a wide variety of problems and equipment in all areas (including dismantling, cleaning, and reassembling an older -- out of warranty -- photocopier). In the spring of 1993, he established a 12-line bulletin board service using Galacticomm's Major BBS 6.25 with Internet access to distribute digital video and multimedia advertisements of local companies. Later using computer animation, multimedia applications and equipment, he began producing trade show videos for clients Eric has close associations with professionals in a wide range of industries, management information systems professionals, accountants and engineers which are essential to obtaining success for his clients. His staff is experienced and highly trained with respect to information management at an enterprise level and maintains a high level of client service. Eric is often consulted by other firms with respect to their projects relating to information technologies. He has lectured before IT professionals and CIO's on a variety of technical topics and has served as an Interim CTO.