Gary Smith

Job Titles:
  • Developer / Sysadmin
Gary's experience with computer systems and programming began in 1980. He has been using his skills commercially since 1995 when he established an ISP business, providing Internet access and web hosting services. He has been building and configuring Linux based server systems since the early beta days of Linux. Gary also developed Internet access related software in the late 90's with a client list that included US Dept of Justice, Motorola, HP, Stanford University, Intelsat, Xerox and UC Berkeley. Since 2000 Gary has been developing complex online systems that provide online document creation, storage and management systems across a diverse range of industries.

Jacinta Richardson

Job Titles:
  • Developer
Jacinta Richardson, Bachelor Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Science has more than 13 years of commercial Perl development and teaching experience. Jacinta is a qualified software engineer, specialising in requirements analysis, client liaison, efficiency, security and course development. Jacinta is a prominent figure in the Perl community. She has been involved in organising many community conferences including 2008, The Open Source Developers' Conference (2004-2013), and The Australian System Administration Conference (2008-2009), many of which she has also presented at. Jacinta participates in a wide range of national and international computer-related user groups and regularly gives talks at Perl Monger and other user group meetings on her travels. One of her big passions is promoting women in IT. For her work in the Perl community, Jacinta was awarded the prestigious White Camel Award in 2008. When away from the computer, Jacinta enjoys SCUBA diving, cycling and baking.

Jan Hives - CFO

Job Titles:
  • Certified Practising Accountant
  • CFO
Jan is a Certified Practising Accountant, and has been in her industry since 1987. She has extensive experience in commercial accounting as well as her 7 years' experience with the Australian Taxation Department. Jan's spare time is dedicated to her daughter, who is an up and coming tennis star.

Swann Romero

Job Titles:
  • Business Development Manager
  • Global Business Development Manager
Swann Romero is a global business development manager who partners with export companies from all over the world, allowing them to reduce costs and save time by processing their export documents online. Swann studied marketing and international business in France and quickly found work in fast, busy environments. He knows all too well the time and money constraints on small-business exporters, and he's excited to bring his skills to ITDocs clients. After spending several years as a logistics coordinator responsible for efficiency, communication with clients and the resolution of transportation issues for high profile firms in both Europe and in the U.S., Swann knows what truly drives success and growth-it's not mastering the marketing flavour of the week, but connecting with the people you're trying to help. In addition to his professional career, Swann likes music, poker and travel. Passionate about Australia, his move to Melbourne was a natural fit.

Wilhelmina Ligthart - Founder, Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Managing Director
Wilhelmina brings with her over 35 years of international trade experience and currently works closely with exporters globally. Wilhelmina's background is in international trade in various capacities as an importer, exporter and freight forwarder. Wilhelmina continues to be an exporter and an international trade consultant. Her consultancy business offers specialised freight forwarding/services, advice in setting up standard operating procedures for import and export, and assistance in researching clients' documentary and logistical requirements.