Carlos Farinha Rodrigues

Job Titles:
  • Senior Research Fellow
  • Professor of Economics at Lisbon School of Economics
Expertise: social policy Carlos Farinha Rodrigues is Associated Professor of Economics at Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG), Universidade de Lisboa. Is also adviser of the Instituto Nacional de Estatística (Statistics Portugal) in the field of households' statistics. He obtained his PhD from Technical University of Lisbon under the supervision of Tony Atkinson (Oxford University). His main research interests lie in applied micro-economics, Income Distribution, Poverty and Inequality; Evaluation of Public Policies and Microsimulation. He was involved in the international projects "GINI Growing Inequalities' Impacts" and "EUROMOD - Tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union". He was coordinator of the projects "Evaluation of means-tested benefits in alleviates child and aged poverty in Portugal" (2008 - 2009) and "Anti-poverty effectiveness and efficiency of the Minimum Income Programme (RSI) in Portugal" (2007 - 2009). He has several studies about poverty and inequality in Portugal and about the effectiveness of social policy.

Daniel Carolo

Job Titles:
  • Senior Research Fellow
  • Assistant Professor in the Economics Department at ISEG
Expertise: social policy Daniel Carolo is an assistant professor in the Economics department at ISEG, an associate researcher (FCT) at CEsA (Centre for African, Asian and Latin American Studies)/ISEG - University of Lisbon. He teaches undergraduate students of Economics, Finance and Management, the master students of International Economics and Phd students in Development Studies. He also teaches in the Public Social Policies field at INA - Instituto Nacional da Administração Pública. Professionally, Daniel was an international advisor for East-Timor between 2010 and 2012 where he worked for the Ministry of Social Solidarity and was responsible for creating the first Social Security scheme in the country. He was later named Attaché for Cooperation at the Portuguese Embassy in East-Timor, where he was responsible for coordinating Portuguese Cooperation projects and political representation in this field between 2012 and 2015. He obtained a Phd from ICS - University of Lisbon in 2015, with the thesis "Expense and Redistribution in Social Security in Portugal: Analysis of the 2007 reform", and has developed research in the area of Social Security reforms, counting on four published indexed articles. Since 2016 he has been a researcher of Institute of Public Policy, where he was executive coordinator of the project "A Pension System for the Future", developed by the Institute of Public Policy and Social Citizenship, with the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (2016 -2017); consultant to the East-Timor- PRO-PALOP ISC Program of UNDP (2017); and has published policy papers and articles in the Press on Social Security, Poverty and Equity issues. Nationally, he has experience with IPSS /NGDO where he occasionally provides consultancy and training services in the field of social policies and project evaluation.

David Leite Neves

Job Titles:
  • Research Fellow
Expertise: Social Policy, Governance and Public Finance David Leite Neves is a PhD candidate at the Paris School of Economics (PSE). He holds a Bachelor's in Economics and Master in Econometrics from ISEG-University of Lisbon, and a Master in Analysis and Policy in Economics from the Paris School of Economics and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (PSE-EHESS). His previous positions include the cabinet of the Portuguese Finance Minister of the XXI Government, the OECD economics department and the Portuguese Central Bank (Banco de Portugal).

Henrique Lopes Valença

Job Titles:
  • Research Fellow
Expertise: EU economic policy, governance and public finance Expertise: European Union economic policy, public finances and good governance Currently a Phd student in Economic Policy from the University of Sheffield, Henrique has a master degree in International Development by The University of Manchester (2017) and an undergraduate degree in Economics by Universidade do Porto (2014). He worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Public Policy between 2015 e 2016, mainly on projects and publications in the "economic policy within the European Union" and "good governance and public finance" field. Since then, he´s become a regular contributor to the Portuguese newspaper, "Público" for the Institute of Public Policy.

Joana Garrido Amorim

Job Titles:
  • Research Assistant

João Tovar Jalles

Job Titles:
  • Senior Research Fellow
  • Economist
João Tovar Jalles is an Economist, University Professor and Consultant. Currently he is Assistant Professor of Macroeconomics at ISEG - University of Lisbon. Before he was a Senior Economist at the Portuguese Public Finance Council. Previously he spent 5 years at the IMF: 1 year in the Research Department and 4 years in the Fiscal Affairs Department, where he participated in numerous negotiation, review and technical assistance missions. Before joining the Fund, João was an Economist at the OECD's Economics Department and before that a Fiscal Economist at the ECB's Fiscal Policies Division. João was a Visiting Scholar at the IMF's Research Department and a Visiting Researcher at the Bank of Portugal's Research Department. He also has acted as consultant and expert to national and international organizations on several ocasions. Academically, he was an Invited Lecturer at Sciences Po (France), Assistant Professor at the University of Aberdeen (UK) and he also taught at the University of Cambridge (UK) and Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal). João holds a B.Sc. in Economics from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), a M.Sc. in Economics from the University of Warwick (UK) and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Cambridge (UK).

Luís de Sousa

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
  • Senior Research Fellow
Expertise: democracy and accountability Luís de Sousa got his Ph.D. in Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute, Italy in 2002. He is currently Research Fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon. He was previously Political Science Professor at the University of Aveiro and Edmond J. Safra Network Fellow at Harvard University. He is coordinator of ANCORAGE-NET, a research network on anticorruption agencies, Chairman of Transparency International-Portugal and Local Research Correspondent on Corruption for the European Commission. He also acts as an international consultant on corruption control policies.

Marina Costa Lobo

Job Titles:
  • Senior Research Fellow
  • Deputy - Chairwoman
Expertise: democracy and accountability Marina Costa Lobo obtained her PhD from Oxford University with a thesis researching Prime Ministerial power in Portugal. The thesis was entitled "The Emergence of a Prime Ministerial Model: Coordination in the Portuguese Government, 1976-1995". She is currently a Principal researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences in Portugal, member of the board of Institute of Public Policy and also a co-editor of the Journal South European Society and Politics. Her interests center on electoral behavior and political institutions in Portugal in a comparative perspective. She is one of the executive directors of the Portuguese Election Study, a project started in 2001, and which has carried out post-election surveys in Portugal, namely in the 2002, 2005 legislative and the 2006 Presidential elections. Through this project she has become involved in several international projects, namely CSES (Comparative Studies of Election Systems), EES (European Election Studies), CNEP (Comparative National Election Project) and INTUNE (Integrated and United).

Pedro Pita Barros

Job Titles:
  • Senior Research Fellow
  • Professor of Economics at NOVA - SBE
Expertise: social policy Pedro Pita Barros is Professor of Economics at NOVA-SBE. Holds a Phd in Economics (1993) and a aggregation in Economics (1997). His research focuses on health economics and on regulation and competition policy and has appeared in many academic journals. Pedro Pita Barros has also contributed to several books, and has published several books on health economics. He served as Member of the Board of the Portuguese Energy Regulator (2005/2006). He is currently editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Health Economics and Management, also collaborating with the scientific journals, Health Policy, Health Care Management Science, Portuguese Economic Journal, Acta Médica Portuguesa and Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública.

Sofia Serra da Silva

Job Titles:
  • Research Fellow
Expertise: democracy and accountability Sofia is currently completing her PhD in Comparative Politics by ICS - Lisbon University in 2018 funded by FCT. Since then she has spent time in Leeds, Oxford, and Viena as a visiting student. She holds a Master(2014) and a Bachelor (2012) degree in Political Science by ISCTE - University of Lisbon. She´s currently researcher for the project "Crisis, Political Representation and Democratic Renewal: The Portuguese case in the Southern European context" at CIES/ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute. Sofia has participated as a researcher at the European Research project "EUvox 2014" in 2014, in the project "Elections, Leadership and accountability: Political Representation in Portugal, a longitudinal and comparative perspective" (2012-2013) and in the project "Instituições, atitudes e comportamentos políticos: Brasil e Portugal em perspetiva comparada" (2016-2017) in cooperation with Brasilia University (Brasil).

Susana Peralta

Job Titles:
  • Senior Research Fellow
  • Deputy - Chairwoman
; democracy and accountability Susana Peralta holds a doctorate in Economics from the Université catholique de Louvain in Belgium. Her research on topics of fiscal federalism, political economy and tax competition is published in journals such as The Economic Journal, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Journal of International Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, and Journal of Urban Economics. She is an Associate Professor, with habilitation, at the Nova School of Business and Economics, which she joined in 2004. She teaches or has taught Public Economics, Game Theory, Economics of Poverty, Microeconomics. She has been the academic director of the Master in Economics, the Master of Research in Economics, and the PhD in Economics at Nova SBE. She is part of the Coordination Committee for the PhD in Economics. Susana Peralta is married and has two daughters and one son."