JOHN W SCHULZ D D S - Key Persons

Debra Sweeny

Debra Sweeny Dental Hygenist Debra has worked in our dental office for over 5 years. When she isn't at work, Debra loves spending time with her two young boys. Joyce Soo Hoo Dental Hygenist Joyce was born and raised in San Francisco and has worked with our dental office for over 8 years.

Flora Cortez

Job Titles:
  • Office Worker
Flora was born in San Francisco and graduated from San Francisco State University. She has worked with our office since graduating high school.

Lynn Brown

Job Titles:
  • Office Manager
Lynn is from San Leandro, California and is a UC Santa Cruz graduate. She has maintained the dental office of Dr. Schulz for over 30 years. When not in the office, she enjoys spending time in San Francisco with her husband, Ernst.

Regina Burnett

Job Titles:
  • Chief Registered Dental Assistant
Regina was born in San Francisco and has been with the practice for over 20 years. She still lives in San Francisco with her 4 sons.

Sarlina Wond

Job Titles:
  • Registered Dental Assistant