Beth R. Davis - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Founder
  • Owner
Hello my name is Beth Davis and I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. Founder Beth Davis earned the 2020 Change the World Award for outstanding leadership skills that benefit your child's community. From spearheading the Seeds of Hope Scholarship fundraiser to re-energizing her team with cutting edge training, you and your child enjoy a culture of excellence and passion. She taught for more than 20 years, is a Nationally Board Certified Education Specialist and author of award-winning books on early learning. She also has an Early Childhood Education Certification and an Advanced Director Credential. Now Beth Davis runs one of the most recognized preschools in Miami-Dade and makes her way into the classroom regularly to take part in the mission she has carved out for her young students: to inspire and engage the scientist within.

Delly Anderson

Job Titles:
  • Office Manager

rachel ruiz

Job Titles:
  • Support Staff

Wanda Rodriguez

Job Titles:
  • Director