NEA-ALASKA - Key Persons

Kathy Simpler

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors
  • Representative
  • NEA Director
Kathy Simpler is our representative on the NEA Board of Directors, the top decision making body of our national affiliate which includes at least one director from each state affiliate. Kathy Simpler grew up commercial fishing in Prince William Sound and became a permanent resident of Alaska in 1989. She received her B.Ed. from the University of Alaska-Fairbanks and her M.Ed. from Cambridge College. Kathy moved to Kodiak in 1996 to teach K/1 and never left. After 27 years in a primary classroom, she now works as the Migrant Ed. Facilitator for her district. Kathy has served her local union as President, facilitator for her bargaining team and in many other capacities as needed. She has also served NEA-Alaska on the board as a region director, representing Region 2. Kathy has been your NEA Director since 2022. She represents NEA-Alaska at national meetings and advocates on education issues with our legislative representatives in Washington, D.C. She also works closely with President Klaameyer and Vice President Capelle on education issues that matter most to Alaskan students and educators.

Kenai Peninsula

Job Titles:
  • Education Support Professionals

Laura Capelle

Job Titles:
  • Vice President of the Board of Directors
Laura Capelle is serving in her second term as NEA-Alaska Vice President. Laura Capelle has been a public educator in Fairbanks, Alaska, since 2004, working as a reading tutor, special education aide, and an ELL Tutor/Instructor. She now works as the ELL Program Records Manager, supporting ELL staff, school staff, and families. Laura has served on the NEA-Alaska Board of Directors, the ESSA Executive Board, the FEA Bargaining Team, the NEA-Alaska Human and Civil Rights Committee, and the NEA-Alaska PACE Committee. Laura is serving in her second term as NEA-Alaska Vice President, working to continually expand and strengthen the network of communication and support for public education and educators in Alaska.

Tom Klaameyer

Job Titles:
  • President of the Board of Directors
  • President of NEA
  • President of NEA - Alaska
Tom Klaameyer is the president of NEA-Alaska. He has been a public educator for almost three decades, and is a fierce advocate for Alaska's students and educators. Tom Klaameyer has lived in Alaska since 1989 when he moved up during his service in the United States Air Force. He has taught high school social studies for the past 27 years in various schools in Anchorage and Eagle River. Tom has served his union on the local level as a member of his bargaining team, his local Board of Directors, and as the Vice President of Communications before being elected as the President of the Anchorage Education Association. Tom has served as the President of NEA-Alaska since 2020 where he focuses his attention on reversing cuts to public education, restoring a pension option for public employees, and building a stronger union.

Zachary (Zac) Mannix

Zachary (Zac) Mannix was born in Anchorage and grew up in the small town of Talkeetna, Alaska. He attended Talkeetna Elementary School and Susitna Valley High School near his home before attending Montana State University, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the University of Alaska Anchorage where he graduated with a degree in Political Science.