John Derrico

Job Titles:
  • Owner
Many years ago, while at a Jimmy Buffett concert, my good friend Joe and I watched a Parrothead begin to construct his tiki bar. It was breakfast time; the traditional beginning of tailgating for Buffet. By the time we fired up our grill the third time, for dinner, the guy was finishing up. We were really taken with the idea of serving drinks from our own bar and flabbergasted by the fact someone would spend that much time working at a party. Joe wouldn't let it go. His position was clear. He was convinced there was a better way. We both had backgrounds in design, so it made sense to collaborate.

Laura Arden

Job Titles:
  • Director of Business Development
Laura is based in Honolulu, Hawaii. Her background is in Sales, Business Development, Travel Journalism, Web Development and Law. We're actively growing our social media engagement. Please connect with us and be part of the fun! Feel free to reach out with feedback, collaboration proposals and questions.