Eric, Tennessee

Eric is a Building Biologist in Tennessee. He covers Nashville, Knoxville and Asheville, NC. Eric's previous work in home construction, carpentry, masonry, cabinetry and remodeling gives him a great background for building biology and air quality inspections. His training in Electromagnetic radiation exposure and mitigation along with his thorough understanding of electro-sensitivity, mold illness and chemical sensitivity give him a keen eye for the small details that may affect occupants in a big way. Eric has been inspecting homes and commercial buildings for more than 15 years.

Martine Davis - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
Martine Davis, founded the company in 2000. She is the author of the textbook, "Advanced Indoor Air Quality Test ing: A Manual for Professionals" and taught at the prestigious International Institute for Building Biology as the senior instructor for 17 years. Indoor Environmental Testing offers services in indoor air quality, mold inspections & testing, odor investigations, water-damaged buildings, sick buildings, and electro-pollution mitigation. When it is an especially difficult case, Martine herself will travel to the location. She is also a resource for many doctors and healthcare professionals and is a great communication bridge for those currently suffering from being environmentally sensitive. To date, she has inspected over 4,000 homes and buildings. Unfortunately, it was necessity that brought her to this field, as she herself was a victim of the invisible predators known as environmental poisons. She was enjoying her life and had a successful career in IT, and had just moved into a new house. Then she suddenly felt ill and had awful symptoms that wouldn't go away. After many years pursued with doctor visits that led nowhere, she was motivated to get her own answers. Born with a scientific mind and driven by data, Martine decided to attend environmental biology school. She tested her own house, and the rest is history. A goal that Martine set for herself was that nobody ever has to go through the suffering that she had experienced. The empathy that accompanied her translated into being meticulous and tenacious until she found an issue's underlying cause. Her efforts thrust the industry forward and guided those who felt helpless as to what could be causing their malaise.