Austin Vickers

Job Titles:
  • Guest Author
This is one of the most powerful, over-all affirmations I have ever had the opportunity to experience. Make reading it part of your daily routine. Believe it, change your behavior accordingly and your life will be forever transformed! Thank you, Austin, for this magnificent gift to the universe. - Larry James I acknowledge that every circumstance and relationship in my life is a direct or indirect result of choices I have made, or failed to make. I understand that I am the supreme creator of my life and everything in it, and I choose every day to accept my present circumstances and relationships exactly as they are, unless I am consciously acting to change them. I believe that life is exactly as we choose to see it. All people, places and things can present both a negative and positive perspective. We, as observers, make the choice of which side we will focus upon. Because I want to fill my life with joy, I choose to recognize the positive in all things. I will try to have every choice I make be consistent with the highest vision I have of myself. Rather than try to control or manipulate others to conform to my addictive behaviors or programming, I will allow others to simply be, and will learn to change my addictions into preferences. I know this is the only way I can be truly happy. I know it is better to live my life without expectations or attachment to results. Although I may plan for the future, I must not become too attached to the fulfillment of those plans or I may miss other more fulfilling opportunities. If life takes me in a direction different than the one I have planned, I believe it is for my ultimate good. I want to approach each and every moment of every day with the same level of enthusiasm, happiness, passion and present-moment focus as I have making love. Life and everything in it, like sex, is a wonderful experience that I know I must appreciate, using all of my senses to fully enjoy it. Honesty is one of the single greatest principles in life, and I will approach every person, circumstance or situation with a commitment to be honest with myself, to openly and honestly present my true thoughts and feelings to others, and to never lie, deceive or mislead another person. I believe in being sensitive, and before acting or reacting to any situation or person, I will try my best to act or react in a way that I would want to be treated under the same circumstances. I cannot judge any person, situation or thing for I do not know all of the facts. My experience with anything is limited to my interaction with that person, situation or thing - and that is not the complete picture. Therefore, I cannot judge whether anything or anyone is good or bad, right or wrong. I also know I should not judge myself too harshly, for I am a learning, loving human being that can draw strength from my weaknesses and experiences. I recognize that I can only view life through my own rose-colored glasses, and the beliefs, opinions or standards of any group or person, including my own beliefs, are not necessarily universal truths. I have a thirst and love for knowledge and understanding, and I recognize that true learning and growth comes only from effort, experience and a willingness to accept some new ideas, even if it means the rejection of previously held beliefs. I love living and I know that a healthy body is an essential part of maintaining the quality of my life experience. Consequently, I will exercise my body and will feed it with healthy air, food and drinks, I will heal it and rest it when necessary, and I will treat my body with loving care. I will touch others and smile at others often, for it is my true nature to be kind. I will also laugh a lot. I believe in God, Spirit, or the Soul - whatever name we give to that power in the universe that exists beyond our obvious senses. Life becomes magical when we see the clues that spirit offers and I will strive to find them. I also know that inviting Spirit into my life allows me to make better choices than I would otherwise make, for it allows me to view life from the perspective of heaven. I believe that each of us can contribute to the world in some unique way. For me it is to share with others the principles that I hold dear, in the hope that these principles will benefit others as much as they have given benefit to me. I am fulfilled and happy when I act in service to others. The real purpose of life is love. Love is our very essence, the all which created us and is us. This day I will work to remove that which blocks my love from flowing freely. I will learn to love myself and I will liberally share my love with others. I will be kind, understanding and compassionate. I will make love a daily focus and priority in my life, and I will try to fill every moment of my life and yours with love. I will tell you how much I love you as often as I can. These are my governing principles. I have not yet attained to them, but I am struggling to do it. I may not ever totally achieve them, but you may. So go on! Learn what you may from me, open your eyes with the light that I offer, but learn to walk for yourself. Don't be afraid - I am walking too . . . not behind you or in front of you, but beside you making my own way. As we walk along together we can look out for each other . . . help each other. I will be there for you . . . and you for me . . . and together we will realize our dreams.

Dr. John Gray

"I thank Michael Najarian for the creative planning, plus the important and insightful feedback he has given me in developing this material. I'm proud to endorse his Dr. John Gray's popular "Mars & Venus Relationship Seminars" and his "Mars & Venus Personal Success Seminar" have benefited hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. By special arrangement with Personal Growth Productions, we are pleased to announce that we can now assist you in booking Dr. Gray's personally trained representive of the "Mars and Venus Seminars," Michael Najarian, M.A. to appear at your next event! Hundreds of thousands of people all over the world have benefited from the work of Dr. John Gray. He is available to present his popular "Mars & Venus Relationship Seminar" (by special arrangement only) or his "Mars & Venus Personal Success Seminar." Dr. Gray now focuses on presenting his "Mars & Venus Personal Success Seminar."

Jeannie Patsarikas

Job Titles:
  • Technical Staff

Larry James

Job Titles:
  • Author
  • Founding Member and past President of the National Speakers Association
  • President of Celebrate
  • Professional Speaker, Author
is a professional speaker. He presents "Relationship Enrichment LoveShops" nationally for singles and couples. More About Larry James Larry James has been a full-time professional speaker since 1987. His "Relationship Enrichment LoveShop," adapted from his best selling books, "How to Really Love the One You're With: Affirmative Guidelines for a Healthy Love Relationship!" and "LoveNotes for Lovers: Words That Make Music for Two Hearts Dancing!" is presented nationally. His newest relationships book is "Red Hot LoveNotes for Lovers" In February, 1996, Larry joined the staff of Dr. John Gray, Ph.D. and worked on staff for eight years. He was Dr. Gray's personal choice to host the popular "Mars & Venus Chat Room" on America Online for nearly three years. Larry was the Associate Producer of the nationally syndicated "Mars & Venus" radio talk show for five years. Larry has appeared on ABC TV's "The View" with Barbara Walters and more than 650 radio talk shows. His articles have appeared in numerous publications and on the Internet. Larry James is President of CelebrateLove.com. He has been a full-time professional speaker, author and relationship coach since 1987. Larry is a founding member and past president of the National Speakers Association - Oklahoma. He has served on the board of directors of the National Speakers Association - Arizona. For information on Larry's upcoming personal appearances or media interviews, click here.

Michael Najarian

Michael Najarian is the President of Personal Growth Productions and former colleague of Dr. John Gray, Ph.D. He was Dr. Gray's appointed ambassador of the Mars/Venus message performing to sold-out audiences in theaters across the U.S. and Europe. With a penchant for showmanship, Michael enchants audiences with his special brand of humor and insight about Martians and Venusians. Fifteen years of working and studying with Dr. Gray has made Michael a master of the Mars Venus material. As a result, Dr. Gray personally sponsors Michael's public events and heartily endorses him for private functions. After receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy, Michael studied Dr. Gray's principles and theories while producing and conducting domestic and international stage shows and seminars. His continuing academic work has concentrated on physiological and behavioral gender differences for which he earned a Master of Arts degree in Psychology and Counseling. He is a highly regarded expert on the worldwide impact of the Mars/Venus phenomena. Michael was featured with Barbara Walters on a two-hour, primetime ABC News Special, "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus But We Have to Live on Earth." The program chronicled the relationships of eight couples before, during and after a full day experience with the power, simplicity and elegance of John Gray's principles as taught by Najarian. The program illustrated dramatic and immediate positve changes in each couple's relationship. "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus - Life on Earth" is a one-man show featuring Michael Najarian. Participants will laugh while they learn how to understand their differences in a positive and uplifting way. This is a fun-filled, fast paced performance that leads to immediate and dramantic changes. The show can be expanded into a full day divided into four sections; Improving Communication, Keeping Romance Alive, Healing the Past and The Secrets of Intimacy and Passion. Michael and Susan, his wife Michael is the father of three daughters and a son.