DALTON HANDLEY - History of Changes

2024-06-04 update website_status EmptyPage => OK
2023-10-02 update website_status OK => EmptyPage
2022-02-05 delete email la..@daltonhandley.com
2022-02-05 delete person Lauren Jansen
2021-04-24 delete address Suite 313, 350 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
2021-04-24 insert address Suite 401, 350 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
2021-04-24 update primary_contact Suite 313, 350 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia => Suite 401, 350 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
2020-02-29 insert email la..@daltonhandley.com
2020-02-29 insert person Lauren Jansen
2020-01-28 update person_title Vicky Feros: Director / Australia; Principal Consultant / Australia and Asia; Director / Australia and Asia; Director => Director / Australia; Director
2019-07-29 insert otherexecutives Vicky Feros
2019-07-29 update person_title Charles Handley: Founder and Director / Australia; Director, Australia => Director / Australia; Director, Australia
2019-07-29 update person_title Vicky Feros: Principal Consultant / Australia; Principal Consultant / Australia and Asia; Principal Consultant => Director / Australia; Principal Consultant / Australia; Principal Consultant / Australia and Asia; Director / Australia and Asia; Director
2019-03-12 delete email sa..@daltonhandley.com
2019-03-12 delete person Sarah Burgess
2019-03-12 delete phone +61 2 8042 7971
2019-03-12 delete phone +61 409 418 632
2018-09-11 insert email sa..@daltonhandley.com
2018-09-11 insert person Sarah Burgess
2018-09-11 update person_title Charles Handley: Founder and Director / Australia and Asia => Founder and Director / Australia; Director, Australia
2018-09-11 update person_title Vicky Feros: Principal Consultant / Australia and Asia; Principal Consultant => Principal Consultant / Australia; Principal Consultant
2018-04-24 delete office_emails em..@daltonhandley.com
2018-04-24 delete address 75 King William Street, London, EC4N 7BE, United Kingdom
2018-04-24 delete email em..@daltonhandley.com
2018-04-24 delete phone +44 7949 506 979
2018-04-24 insert industry_tag recruitment and advisory
2017-11-15 delete email ni..@daltonhandley.com
2017-11-15 delete person Nicole Goutzios
2017-07-23 delete email ab..@daltonhandley.com
2017-07-23 delete email ra..@daltonhandley.com
2017-07-23 delete person Abbie Sayer
2017-07-23 delete person Rachel Drysdale
2017-07-23 insert email ni..@daltonhandley.com
2017-07-23 insert person Nicole Goutzios
2017-04-02 delete address 8/234 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
2017-04-02 insert address Suite 313, 350 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
2016-10-11 insert office_emails au..@daltonhandley.com
2016-10-11 delete index_pages_linkeddomain elitegraphics.com.au
2016-10-11 insert address 8/234 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
2016-10-11 insert email au..@daltonhandley.com
2016-10-11 insert index_pages_linkeddomain goo.gl
2016-10-11 insert phone +61 2 8042 7979
2016-09-11 insert phone +61 2 9696 8166
2016-01-16 insert email ab..@daltonhandley.com
2016-01-16 insert phone + 44 7931 568 249
2015-07-15 delete phone + 61 2 8667 3054
2015-03-19 insert phone +61 2 8346 6734
2014-07-09 delete source_ip
2014-07-09 insert source_ip
2014-05-26 delete address Level 13, 186 Macquarie Street, Sydney 2000 Australia
2014-05-26 update primary_contact Level 13, 186 Macquarie Street, Sydney 2000 Australia => null