EMA RESEARCH - Key Persons

Bethany Mathison

Bethany Mathison is a psychology major with a leadership minor. She plans to pursue graduate studies in the area of child life, and work as a certified child life specialist. She can be reached at bethany.mathison@myemail.indwes.edu.

Douglas Daugherty

Job Titles:
  • Professor of Psychology and Addictions Counseling
I'm a licensed psychologist and professor of psychology/addictions. My current research is primarily in the area of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and ecological momentary intervention (EMI) utilizing smartphones. I enjoy collaborating with others in our lab to understand behavior in real-time and real-place. I'm especially interested in testing smartphone tools as a mean of extending the reach of positive psychology and psychotherapy.

Ellen Steinke

Ellen Steinke graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2015 and is the manager of the EMA lab. Her interests include moral/virtue psychology and ecological momentary assessment. See review in Frontiers in Psychology. You can contact her at ellen.steinke@indwes.edu.

Ethen Smith

Ethen Smith is a psychology and photography double major at Indiana Wesleyan University. He is interested in research involved with creativity and neurophysiology, especially in intercultural settings. Ethen plans to pursue graduate studies with a focus in clinical psychology and would like to continuing to pairing his passions in psychological research and art. Ethen welcomes you to contact him at ethen.smith@myemail.indwes.edu

Jason D. Runyan

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor of Neuropsychology
I am an Associate Professor at Indiana Wesleyan University. My background is in neuroscience (University of Texas) and philosophical psychology (Oxford University). I am interested in bringing both a philosophical and experimental approach to questions concerning human agency and dispositions. My interest in experience sampling, or ecological momentary assessment, stems from its ability to provide deeper insight into the everyday expression of dispositions and virtues.

Kelsey Evey

Kelsey Evey is a Humanities major. After graduating from Indiana Wesleyan University, she plans on applying to research-oriented clinical PhD programs. Her research interests are in study anxiety disorders (specifically OCD) among children and adolescents. This summer (2016) she will be working at University of Michigan researching biomarkers for anxiety disorders in preschool children. She can be reached at kelsey.evey@myemail.indwes.edu.

Lindsay Wood

Lindsay Wood is a psychology major with a sociology minor. She plans to pursue graduate studies in neuropsychology, and work as a neuropsychologist in a clinical setting. She hopes to pursue research integrating social psychology and neuroscience. Lindsay can be reached at lindsay.wood@myemail.indwes.edu

Lorne Oke

Job Titles:
  • Executive Director, Center for Learning and Innovation, Associate Professor of Education
I lead a group of instructional designers, a team of faculty development personnel and a research department at IWU. I received my Ed.D. in Instructional Systems Technology from Indiana University and speak regularly at regional and national conferences on faculty development, IT leadership and technology integration. I have taught for over 20 years across both traditional and adult education levels, both onsite and online.

Martha Kondrat

Martha Kondrat is double major in Psychology and Addictions Counseling and intends to pursue graduate school for marriage and family therapy. She can be reached at martha.kondrat@myemail.indwes.edu.

Sarah Pierce

Sarah Pierce is a psychology major. She plans to pursue graduate studies in neuropsychology. Sarah can be reached at sarah.pierce@myemail.indwes.edu.

Tim Steenbergh

Job Titles:
  • Professor of Psychology
I am a Professor of Psychology at Indiana Wesleyan University where I teach courses in Statistics, Research Methods, and Abnormal Psychology. I completed doctoral studies in a research-oriented clinical psychology program at the University of Memphis, and a two-year postdoctoral fellowship at Michigan State University. My early research focused on the assessment and treatment of addictive behaviors, but in recent years my interests have broadened. These days I'm working with students and other faculty in the EMA Lab, trying to better understand and promote the psychological processes and behavioral practices associated with human flourishing. Our current work focuses on mobile assessment and intervention projects related to dispositions and college student success.