Updated 5 days ago
Maglekildevej 8, 1853 Frederiksberg C
Montessori International Preschool is a preschool based on the Montessori educational approach. We are committed to the principles of Maria Montessori and to providing a safe, secure and happy environment for your children. We encourage the children to investigate and explore, to gain confidence, independence and language development... Our mission is to develop and nurture the intellectual, creative and human potential of our children by providing them with a warm, safe and stimulating environment... The Montessori philosophy is based on a profound respect for each child as a unique human being. Our approach assumes that children are born intelligent, curious, creative and are ripe to develop a sense of wonder and imagination. The goal is not to control, but to inspire our children to learn voluntarily. In its essence, Montessori is designed to teach children to think deeply, to think for themselves and to think about others. We believe that learning how to think for oneself (in..