Job Titles:
  • Executive Director - Lakeland ( FL ) Housing Authority


Job Titles:
  • Communications Director - Housing Authority of New Orleans
NKA's financial and procurement audit led to the identification and correction of potential pitfalls. Results were delivered on schedule and within budget. I recommend NKA to any housing authority that wishes to improve their PHAS or SEMAP scores.

Dr. Nadine Jarmon

Dr. Jarmon founded NKA Contractors, LLC, in 2004, creating an opportunity to apply her in-depth knowledge and experience in directing public housing agencies and community development to solving a broad spectrum of public sector challenges. She has played critical roles in numerous community revitalization efforts with particular focus on developing sustainable housing programs for low and moderate income families. Prior to starting NKA, Dr. Jarmon served as a Housing Administrator in Gary, IN, and Administrative Receiver of the Housing Authority of New Orleans. Dr. Jarmon served as Special Assistant to the Executive Director of the Housing Authority of Louisville (HAL) where she worked on the Park DuValle HOPE VI Revitalization Program. This $180 million neighborhood recovery effort has been heralded as one of the premier HOPE VI projects nationwide. At HAL, Dr. Jarmon developed the first performance-based contract for the delivery of Community and Supportive Services. Additional work experience led to the development of expertise with Cost Sharing Agreements, ground leases, admissions and occupancy plans, property management plans, mixed finance agreements and home ownership programs. Soon after incorporation, NKA was awarded a multi-million dollar HUD solicitation to serve as the Administrative Receiver for the Housing Authority of New Orleans.


Job Titles:
  • Vice President - Dutko Grayling
Hats off to Dr. Jarmon and staff who transitioned an entire housing authority after the worse natural disaster this country has ever witnessed. Hurricane Katrina.