Lisa Motz-Storey

Lisa Motz-Storey was a hospice chaplain for 25 years. As Storey Real Estate & Construction expanded, she transitioned to supporting the business full-time and now works on developing relationships with clients, searching for listings, setting up showings, coordinating the various steps of a sale or rental, and communicating with clients about each stage of the process. Lisa holds a B.A. in Psychology and an M.Div. focused on pastoral counseling. She enjoys getting to know her clients and helping determine their needs as she talks with clients about what they are looking for in their next home or investment property, what each step involves when they have listed their home for sale with Storey Real Estate, or helping to make owning a rental as painless as possible. Lisa has extensive experience in event planning, fundraising, and organizing group trips overseas in her role as the leader of a partnership to support Selian Lutheran Hospice in Arusha, Tanzania since 2003. She has been active on the national level with US-African hospice partnerships for many years. She also volunteers at Mountain View Friends Meeting (Quaker) and with Intermountain Yearly Meeting, serving on various committees. Paul and Lisa own multiple rental properties and invest in houses that need work. Paul's emphasis is on the FIX part of "fix and flip," concentrating on ethical remodeling including updating systems and making houses more energy efficient. Lisa and Paul live in an active and passive solar home in Evergreen, designed and built by Paul. They have two grown children and two grandchildren.

Paul Motz-Storey

Job Titles:
  • Generation Real Estate Agent
  • Licensed Broker
Paul Motz-Storey has over 20 years of experience as a real estate agent and real estate investor, doing both "fix and holds" of his own rental properties, and "fix and flips" selling properties he has renovated. His decades of home building and remodeling experience allow Paul to look at houses with a highly trained eye. Paul is a third generation real estate agent, who grew up working in his parents' real estate and construction business. He worked with his father to draft blueprints and build houses in high school, took architecture classes while in college, and designed and built his first spec home in 1983. After completing a master's degree, Paul began renovating houses to either sell or keep as rentals, learning the ins and outs of remodeling older home s. Because he couldn't find a real estate agent who understood which properties were good investments and which were "money pits," he obtained his license as a real estate broker and after a few years began to help others find properties to suit their needs. Often the people he helped to buy houses needed someone to solve a design challenge, do contracting or remodeling, allowing Paul to continue his craft as a designer and builder side-by-side with practicing real estate. As a rental manager with many years of experience, Paul advises both landlords and tenants about their rights and responsibilities, and proactively advises on maintenance and repair issues. Storey RE and Construction has an extensive list of subcontractors, so whatever is needed, they can find someone to get the job done. Paul volunteers for several organizations. He served for several years as president of the board of directors for Blue Spruce Habitat for Humanity in Evergreen, and still actively supports them. He has also been involved in leading volunteer groups on repair projects for Selian Lutheran Hospital in Arusha, Tanzania. He is an active member of Mountain View Friends Meeting (Quaker), where he is currently volunteering as the general contractor on a multi-year remodeling project.