Updated 28 days ago
942 Remington Road Wynnewood , Pa 19096
The Viking raids sudden appearance by the end of the 8th century are attribued to overpopulation and opportunity. The increase in trade in Europe meant increased chances for piracy. Basic Viking armament comprised a sword or axe, spear and shield, and a short knife attached to their belts. Of these weapons, the sword was the most popular and was considered with great respect, especially in the case of swords that had been handed down from generation to generation... Viking Sword by Marto of Toledo Spain is a reproduction of a Viking sword of the 9th -10th century, characterized by a large steel made blade with a central fuller along its upper third. The bronze plated cast metal hilt is finely worked with geometrical and abstract figures. The guard is short and ellyptical, the handgrip is straight and the pommel is specular to the guard even if of reduced size... The Paul Chen Practical Viking sword by Hanwei is based on the Godfred sword , whose design originated in 9th century..
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