Andrea Young

I'm Andrea Young. I make wheel - thrown pottery for daily life at my tiny studio in Wattlefield, Norfolk, UK. I work with stoneware clay to produce domestic items that can be enjoyed and treasured as part of daily life. Each of my pieces has their own natural dignity, individual characteristics, and charm. So that you can get to meet the creator of these pieces, I exhibit my work locally within Norfolk where I can be found at craft markets and country shows. My studio opens during Norwich and Norfolk Open Studios fortnight each year and links to these events can be found on my Events page. The studio I work in is just big enough for my wheel, kiln, and small work bench. There's no heating or water, for the water I have an old fashioned wash stand. Andrea Young is available to give talks and demonstrations about wheel - thrown pottery to groups and at events in Norfolk. Norfolk WI groups have regularly enjoyed seeing pottery being made and have gained insight into the processes and decorative techniques involved with handcrafted pottery. If you wish to have a speaker and demonstrator at your group meeting or event, contact Andrea at Wattlefield Pottery to discuss fees and booking arrangements.