VET HELP - Key Persons

Blake A. Dawson

Job Titles:
  • Appraiser for Vet Help Inc. Broker of Record for BD Valuation Inc. Brokerage
  • CBV
Blake Dawson has extensively studied business management, accounting and valuation disciplines. He graduated with distinction from Wilfrid Laurier University in 2005 with an honour's business administration degree, a specialization in accounting, and an economics minor. Blake also has two professional designations; one in accounting and the other in valuations. Each required years of post-secondary study and exams and are the most respected designation in their respective field : - CPA, CMA (Chartered Professional Accountant, Certified Management Accountant) through the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario - CBV (Chartered Business Valuator) through the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators In 2009 he started with Vet Help and committed his attention to the veterinary industry and has focused on it exclusively since. To build on service offerings Blake opened BD Valuation Inc. Brokerage in 2012 to complement Vet Help. This is required by law to broker businesses within the province of Ontario. This gives him the unique ability to help with all the transition needs of a practice. Throughout his career he has valued and transitioned many businesses. Before focusing solely on veterinarians, these included multimillion dollar acquisitions for the largest Environmental Remediation and Demolition company in Canada.

Ross A. Dawson

Job Titles:
  • Appraiser for Vet Help Inc.
Currently Dr. Dawson operates a companion animal practice in Milton, Ontario. Since 1999, Dr. Dawson has operated Vet Help, a veterinary consultant and valuation resource. Dr. Dawson has practiced in small animal medicine since graduation from the Ontario Veterinary College in 1977. Upon graduation he purchased a half ownership interest in Mitchell Animal Hospital and Kingsdale Animal Hospital in Kitchener, Ontario. In 1989 the two hospitals separated their business interests and Dr. Dawson continued as the owner and manager of Mitchell Animal Hospital until June of 1998. Over this period of 21 years, Mitchell Animal Hospital grew from a veterinary staff of 2 and lay staff of 3 to a veterinary staff of 4 and a lay staff of 11. In 1989 Mitchell Animal Hospital was relocated into a modern 5,000 square foot facility. In 1994, Dr. Dawson established Waterloo West Animal Hospital as a new, full service practice. Dr. Dawson participated as a member of the steering committees that founded the Golden Triangle Veterinary Academy, the Veterinary Emergency Clinic of the Waterloo Region and the Waterloo Regional Veterinary Association. Dr. Dawson is a graduate of the American Animal Hospital Association's Veterinary Management Institute. From 1990 to 2006 Dr. Dawson was an active member of a handpicked group of practice owners and practice consultants from both Canada and the United States, who met biannually to discuss veterinary management issues. Dr. Dawson has sat on the economics committee of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association for many terms. In 1999, Dr. Dawson received his Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Wilfrid Laurier University. Dr. Dawson has completed the course of study Valuing Closely Held Businesses conducted by the Institute of Business Appraisers and has completed valuation courses offered by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators.