Job Titles:
  • Licensed Assistant
Amanda joined our team in 2017, bringing with her several years of valuable experience in the financial services industry. Her background includes providing administrative support in an Investment Counsel firm that offered services to both retail and institutional clients. Amanda's detailed knowledge and proficiency with recently adopted client management and trading systems proved invaluable during a challenging transition period. She continues to play a leading role in tasks such as document completion and other key administrative responsibilities. Exhibiting a steadfast dedication to ongoing professional development, Amanda has recently successfully concluded her Canadian Securities Course, attaining the status of a Licensed Assistant. This accomplishment underscores her unwavering commitment to continuous learning and enhancement within the financial domain.


Job Titles:
  • Member of the Midweek Cycling Club
  • Portfolio Manager / Senior Wealth Advisor
Chuck embarked on his distinguished career in wealth management by actively trading his own funds on both the Toronto and Montreal exchanges. During this period, he meticulously acquired comprehensive market knowledge, delving into research, design, and implementation of his proprietary trading systems. This hands-on experience has equipped him with unique insights that he seamlessly integrates into the development of well-rounded client portfolios. Capitalizing on this wealth of knowledge, Chuck has forged a successful path as a Portfolio Manager-a distinction bestowed upon a select group of professionals in Canada, uniquely authorized to make daily investment decisions for their clients. Chuck's passion lies in researching market movements and identifying new investment opportunities to enhance the depth of client portfolios. Frequently engrossed in spreadsheets or immersed in investment literature, he remains dedicated to staying ahead in the dynamic financial landscape. Beyond his professional commitments, Chuck is an engaged member of the Midweek Cycling Club, he actively participates in races, and he contributes through volunteering to organize and manage club events.


Job Titles:
  • Senior Wealth Advisor
David plays a crucial role within the financial planning team at Watermark Wealth Management, where he currently oversees the administration of our Advisory Account Platform. Prior to his collaboration with colleagues at Watermark Wealth Management, he held diverse positions at RBC (Royal Bank of Canada), accumulating years of industry experience and ascending through various roles to attain a comprehensive understanding of the financial services marketplace. A frequent participant in investment conferences, David actively seeks valuable insights into the markets, enabling him to judiciously guide clients' investments to optimal destinations at opportune moments. His preferred role is that of a financial planner, dedicating numerous hours to meticulous number-crunching to assist clients in adhering to their established goals. Demonstrating a commitment to continuous learning, David recently achieved his QUALIFIED ASSOCIATE FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (QAFP) designation, underscoring his competence and dedication to the highest ethical standards in financial planning. Furthermore, he is actively pursuing advanced designations, including the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER (CFP®) and the Chartered Investment Manager (CIM). Away from professional commitments, David enjoys platform tennis, golf, and skiing.


Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Investment Advisor
In a demonstration of her unwavering commitment to delivering outstanding service, Leigh Ann has obtained her Associate Investment Advisor license. This prestigious credential equips her to provide an elevated level of support, particularly in direct client interactions, underscoring her dedication to ensuring client satisfaction. Prior to joining our team, Leigh Ann amassed valuable experience as a tax preparer. Her ongoing contribution is pivotal, providing essential support to the team's financial planners on tax-related matters and playing a crucial role in addressing numerous tax queries received from clients during the tax season. Leigh Ann's formidable skills, positive attitude, collaborative approach, and steadfast commitment to excellence solidify her as a cornerstone of Watermark Wealth Management. Beyond her professional endeavors, Leigh Ann finds joy in the richness of family life. In those rare moments of personal respite, she indulges in her passion for reading, further enriching her well-rounded persona.

Minister Chrystia Freeland

Job Titles:
  • Finance
Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland formally introduced the capital gains tax inclusion rate hike to the House of Commons on Monday, increasing the rate to two-thirds from 50 per cent on capital gains of $250,000 or more for individu https://advisorstream.com/read/liberals-table-capital-gains-tax-changes-what-you-need-to-know/?c=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJub2RlX2lkIjoyMTI4ODAsInByZXZpZXciOmZhbHNlLCJjb21tX2lkIjoxMDIxNDM0MCwiZGVzdF9pZCI6MTI1MDUwNjUsInJlYWRlcl9pZCI6bnVsbCwicGVyc29uYV9wcmV2aWV3IjpmYWxzZX0.2qlZ11tKqdWsvSBQVWPWTo4xD9NSBSC9tnvr_yyc7cU


Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Investment Advisor
As Robert transitioned into the financial services sector, he brought with him a wealth of robust analytical skills and a client-focused approach cultivated during his leadership role with a prominent Canadian retail corporation. Quickly establishing himself as an indispensable member, Robert demonstrated excellence in engaging with younger clients and those in the accumulation phase of their financial life cycle. His notable contributions include the formulation of targeted strategies aimed at maximizing benefits for these clients. Robert derives great satisfaction from close collaboration with clients in crafting and implementing effective wealth management strategies. In acknowledgment of the pivotal role of financial planning, he earned his CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER (CFP®) designation in 2009. Clients consistently find their interactions with Robert to be a rewarding experience, benefiting from his profound knowledge and genuine commitment to contributing to their financial success. Outside the office, Robert, affectionately known as Bob, engages in recreational hockey, attends sporting events, and cherishes moments with close friends, especially those involving a BBQ dinner. Additionally, his proficiency in various DIY projects not only keeps him occupied but also adds to his sense of accomplishment at home.


Job Titles:
  • Administrative Assistant
Robin joins the Watermark Wealth Management team with extensive experience in sales and office administration. Initially rooted in the accounting software sales sector, she commenced her career by assisting accountants and reseller channels in selling and implementing accounting software. More recently, she played a pivotal role in supporting small businesses, offering administration, sales, and marketing aid to promote the adoption of best practices within organizations. Robin's contributions to Watermark Wealth Management are highly valued, encompassing administration, client onboarding, and office support. Her role is integral in upholding and enhancing the highest level of service for our esteemed clients. Robin is a proud graduate of the University of Guelph and currently resides in Oakville, Ontario, with her husband, son, and cherished dog. Outside of her professional commitments, she enjoys engaging in activities such as running, golfing, skiing, and fishing. True to her passion for continuous learning, Robin always has a good book or two on the go.


Job Titles:
  • Licensed Assistant
Recognized for his exceptional communication skills, Stewart is dedicated to simplifying the financial industry's language. He firmly holds the belief that every wealth concept can be conveyed lucidly, without relying on technical terminology. As a team member, he is known for his warmth, personability, compassion, and understanding.