ART - Key Persons

Udo Neumann

Udo Neumann is one of the climbing world's most highly respected and sought after Biomechanics, Skill Acquisition, & Motor Control Experts. "Udo Neumann IS bouldering. If all things related to bouldering counted as first ascents-films, books, photography, mixed media-Udo Neumann might just be the most prolific boulderer in history. Since 1982, when he began climbing, Neumann has been cranking out media at a feverish pace, not just documenting the sport, but altering the very way we've understand the act of bouldering. Udo Neumann was there in the beginning. He co-authored the sports most successful training book, the now classic but still relevant Performance Rock Climbing (1993), which brought professional sportsscience theory into a sport where climbers were primarily pumping out on Bachar ladders and doing pull-ups on fingerboards. The book introduced climbers to training strategies we take for granted today." RockandIce (USA) July 2014