Kalyan Bobade - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
A veteran in the prototyping industry with over 25 years of experience, Kalyan is at the helm of our operations. As a young machine designer, initial days of his career were well invested with the R&D team of a reputed engine manufacturer in India. He developed a keen interest in prototype casting while working with few challenging projects. Then he realised that there is a wide gap in the expectations of R&D teams and understanding/interpretation of such expectations by the foundries. This was leading to erroneous prototypes and required phenomenal rework. The clients were not only losing money, but also the project schedules were affected to a large extent. He took up the challenge to overcome these bottlenecks by himself becoming a prototype developer. Thus begun a new company dedicated to prototype development. In the initial days, it was jointly run with an partner and the company soon became a favourite of R&D Centres of leading companies in India. Along with the prototype development, the company was catering to the growing requirements of various foundries for patterns and dies. In 2009, when the business was growing, the partners decided to form two separate companies, one for the prototype development and other for tooling development. Kalyan chose the obvious - Prototyping business and took it to a global scale in just 10 years. He has widely travelled across the world for attending business meets, exhibitions and conferences. His long-time relations with the top researchers and developers in the R&D Centres not only brings challenging projects for the company, but also being asked for consultation whenever a critical problem arises. This is irrespective of the company who has undertaken the prototype development. The ASCENT team is happy to have Kalyan at the head and a new generation of engineers is being groomed by him for further contribution to the field in future.