Job Titles:
  • Founder
Douglas spent more than two decades writing about everything from the White House (surprisingly dull) to crime in New Mexico (unsurprisingly lively) to food (mmm) before pivoting away from full-time newspaper and magazine work. Now in addition to his content marketing and public relations work, he freelances for a variety of publications, mostly about adult beverages (*hic*). Douglas spent more than two decades writing about everything from the White House (surprisingly dull) to crime in New Mexico (unsurprisingly lively) to food (mmm) before pivoting away from full-time newspaper and magazine work. Now in addition to his pay-the-bills toil he freelances for a variety of publications, mostly about wine (*hic*). He's luckily married to Annie and also with immense luck the father of two daughters, Stella and Ruby. And he's a "trail runner," which really means he hikes up and runs down and then has a cold pilsner. Among other things, he was the Washington Bureau Chief for two leading technology magazines, wrote about food for a large newspaper for a decade, helped launch several blogs (including the Mountain West's first blog dedicated to beer and spirits) for a large newspaper, and published and wrote a book about sex that landed me three appearances on the TODAY show (and a movie deal) as well as hundreds of radio and other television appearances.