Dr. Robert A. Levine - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Co - Founder
  • Founder
Dr. Robert A. Levine, co-founder and CEO of Callix Research, is Clinical Professor of Laboratory Medicine at the Yale University School of Medicine and a practicing internist and endocrinologist. His areas of interest include developing point of care diagnostics for both human and veterinary medicine. He has invented tests for performing complete blood counts, tests for circulating cancer cells, and for the diagnosis of malaria and other hematoparasitic diseases. He has also developed expert systems for the interpretation of hematologic, thyroid and allergy testing. His curriculum vitae includes more than 100 issued or pending United States patents, several hundred foreign patents, as well as many publications in the field of general medicine and laboratory medicine. He also lectures on the subject of how to be a successful inventor and entrepreneur.

Josh Lev - Founder, President

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Founder
  • President
Josh Lev, co-founder and president of Callix Research, is an artist and inventor with a background in medicine, design and agriculture. He has eight U.S. and twelve foreign patents issued or pending in the fields of packaging, communication, animal behavior, medical diagnostics, therapeutics and pharmaceutical technology. He has a passion for inventing low-cost, ecologically-sound medical technologies aimed at improving human health and well-being. He runs Callix Research's office and invention studio based in Carrboro, North Carolina. At his art studio, CALLOSCOPE, he designs and builds interactive sculptures combining aspects of art, science and invention. He enjoys teaching his creative approach to invention and inventive art to other aspiring artists and inventors.