2023-03-21 insert person Andrés Regal
2023-03-21 update person_title Diana G. Ramirez-Rios: Lecturer at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute => Assistant Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Buffalo
2023-03-21 update person_title Sofia Perez-Guzman: Graduate Student => null
2023-03-21 update person_title Xiaokun (Cara) Wang: Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering => Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
2019-12-25 delete person Dr. Carlos González-Calderón
2019-12-25 delete person Dr. Catherine T. Lawson
2019-12-25 delete person Dr. Jeff Ban
2019-12-25 delete person Dr. Johanna Amaya Leal
2019-12-25 delete person Dr. Kim Fortun
2019-12-25 insert person Dr. Sean He
2019-01-08 insert person Dr. O. A. Elrahman
2017-01-05 update person_title Dr. Cara Wang: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Assistant Professor => Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Associate Professor
2016-09-29 insert person Juvena (Huiting) Ng
2016-09-29 update person_title Dr. Johanna Amaya: Postdoctoral Research Associate / Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Postdoctoral Research Associate => Assistant Professor; Postdoctoral Research Associate / Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Department of Supply Chain and Information Systems / Iowa State University
2016-08-04 delete person Dr. Felipe Aros-Vera
2016-08-04 update person_title Dr. Carlos González-Calderón: Postdoctoral Research Associate => Research Associate
2016-08-04 update person_title Dr. Johanna Amaya: Research Assistant; Research Assistant / Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering => Postdoctoral Research Associate / Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Postdoctoral Research Associate
2015-04-15 insert person Dr. Felipe Aros-Vera
2014-11-19 delete person Dr. Iván Sánchez-Díaz
2014-11-19 delete person Dr. Miguel Jaller
2014-07-05 update person_title Dr. Jeff Ban: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Assistant Professor => Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Associate Professor
2014-06-04 insert person Dr. Carlos González-Calderón
2014-06-04 insert person Dr. Iván Sánchez-Díaz