CYMONZ - Key Persons

Justin Crawshay - CTO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Technical Officer
Justin has worked in the technology industry for the past 20 years, he has worked at some world-renowned R&D companies in Europe, from piecing together measurement libraries to automating microscopes for imaging suites. Returning to New Zealand, Justin's had numerous hands-on technical leadership roles gaining experience in a range of industries including ten years in Banking.

Mathew McCullough - Chief Commercial Officer

Job Titles:
  • Chief Commercial Officer
Matt has come from an international trade background and understands what it takes to grow and scale a business at speed. A fanatic when it comes to disruptive technologies and automation. Matt has experienced first-hand what struggles Business customers have when making international payments with their bank.

Monika Jha

Job Titles:
  • Chief Product Officer
  • Team Lead
Monika was the first employee of Cymonz and has now been with the Company for 10 years. Monika has a wealth of knowledge having been involved in many aspects of the business such as product development, customer engagement, human resources and vendor relationships.

Rebecca Tyson - COO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Operating Officer
Rebecca has held numerous roles within the technology space, both in development, consulting and implementation roles across a variety of sectors. Rebecca has worked in agile product development teams including in the RegTech industry and has lead large scale implementation projects worldwide for Government and local businesses. Rebecca brings her vast development knowledge, end user experience to Cymonz and easily translates business requirements into the product features.

Simon Lynch - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
Simon Lynch founded Cymonz in 2013, with over 20 years experience in the international payments industry, previously the CEO of Elldrige Lynch and Lakros Technologies prior to being sold to HiFx in 2008. Simon has covered all roles from trading, sales, compliance, operations and technology.