Nicole Hicks

Nicole Hicks started Expanding Lotus as a way to connect and serve. Having overcoming many challenges in life and developing a deep connection to spirit, self she loves helping others to help themselves. I am a certified Ayurvedic health and wellness practitioner, Yoga therapist, jyotish (Vedic astrology) consultant , Beyond Quantum Healing practitioner and more. I have found enormous healing from unconventional methodologies and love helping others to thrive. I believe we can all heal ourselves with the right tools and support. I have a deep belief and knowing that it is our divine birth rite to thrive mentally emotionally physically and spiritually. Whether you are just getting curious about what all this "new age- old school" stuff has to offer, or you are ready to dive deep into transformation I am here to assist you. I have over come depression, anxiety, addiction, trauma and alchemized it into fuel for a life I am excited about living. I am a life long learner and am always looking for ways to excel and improve. I love being in service to others, and seeing "the lights come on." If you would like to connect please reach out!