Alfred Okello

Job Titles:
  • Regional Representative, Southern Hemisphere
In the course of his 36+ year career as a professional global educator, Alfred has excelled as a veteran teacher of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science, and as a highly regarded school leader. During his tenure as principal, Alfred worked to enhance learning outcomes by empowering school leaders through coaching, mentoring and professional development. Further, he initiated and engaged in partnerships between schools in Uganda and the United Kingdom, thereby developing collective knowledge and appreciation for issues of diversity, inclusivity, leadership and global citizenry. He also served as the National Vice Chairperson of the Association of Secondary School Head Teachers of Uganda, where he was responsible for professional development and Information Communication Technology (ICT) development of school leaders across the country. In addition to his multiple contributions to association leadership, Alfred has also made an impact as a member of the African Confederation of Principals and the International Confederation of Principals, regional and global professional associations, respectively. He is passionate about Web and Systems Development, and is particularly adept at Online Course Development related to leadership, education management, and ICT. Through the advancement of technology in teaching and learning, he has been a true change agent. Alfred was one of the pioneering teachers to use CyberSchool Technology and technology-based pedagogy in Uganda. He trained teachers of the World Bank Computer-based SchoolNet program, supported by World Links for Development (currently World Links Organization) and thereby helped to link teachers and schools and spearhead innovative use of ICT in education. Over the past two decades, Alfred has facilitated and instructed a variety of programs related to leadership, management, and education. He is a validated trainer of British Council global professional development programs, including Connecting Classrooms, Global Citizenship and School Partnership, for school leaders and teachers. In his long career, Alfred has enjoyed opportunities to work very closely with different arms of the Education Ministry of Uganda, responsible for national assessment, curriculum development, and quality assurance of education standards.

Bob Jackson

Job Titles:
  • New Business Coordinator and Instructor
Bob's deep expertise and broad experience would be enough to make him a respected figure in the field, but when you add in his love of helping other people succeed, you have a truly exceptional educational leader. He is a popular and sought-after instructor with an unwavering focus on giving educators the knowledge and practical tools that will help them improve their schools and boost student learning. An award-winning elementary school principal for more than 25 years, Bob went on to help found Ontario's Leading Student Achievement Initiative, an unprecedented effort that saw the province's three school systems collaborating to promote excellence in leadership. He has taught candidates in the Ontario Principal's Qualification Program and served as a lead reviewer of science and literacy texts with the Ontario Curriculum Centre. After consulting in many different school environments, he recently spent a year as the principal at The American School of Bangkok where he also spearheaded the development of an online school system. Bob draws on his wide-ranging career when instructing educational leaders around the world, whether in person or virtually, in countries including Australia, Brazil, China, Denmark, Norway, Peru, South Africa, Sweden, and Qatar. He encourages participants in his sessions to consider the same questions he applies to his own professional life: "How can I grow? How can I continuously improve as a leader?" In all he does, Bob encourages an understanding of emotional intelligence to help learners bring out the best in themselves, their staff, and their students. Course participants praise Bob's good humour, professionalism, approachability, and ability to adapt to local circumstances and incorporate local scenarios. It's a testament to his personality and effectiveness that former students stay in touch to share news of their careers and achievements. "It's very gratifying to know you've made a difference in someone's life," Bob says.

Brian Liu

Job Titles:
  • Regional Representative - East Asia
Brian is dedicated in the realm of international education exchange and cooperation, boasting over a decade of experience. His expertise lies in fostering collaborative initiatives between Canada and East Asia. As the Co-Founder and Director of the Toronto Fundamental Education Development and Exchange Association, a non-profit organization established in 2016, Brian has successfully forged strategic partnerships with the Ontario Principals' Council (OPC) and the Toronto District School Board International (TDSB International). His notable achievements include orchestrating the participation of Chinese principals in OPC International Principal forums and facilitating groups of international students in the TDSB Culture Immersion Program in 2017 and 2018. Additionally, Brian facilitated reciprocal engagements by organizing visits of OPC and TDSB officials to educational forums in China, establishing a robust foundation for cross-cultural educational collaboration. Brian's extensive professional history also includes serving as the Regional Director at CAEL from 2012 to 2016. During this tenure, he spearheaded the establishment of two test centers in public high schools in Shandong, China, offering comprehensive test preparation courses for Canadian university applicants. An ardent advocate for embracing the era of artificial intelligence (AI) in education, Brian actively engages in researching the impact and challenges that AI presents to the educational landscape. He collaborates closely with AI researchers, scholars, and young talents from universities on innovative AI projects. His pioneering work in developing programs for AI + Edu applications positions him at the forefront of this evolving field. Brian holds a Post-graduate Certificate in Business Management, complementing his academic background, which includes a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and a Diploma of Business from East China University of Science and Technology. Fluent in both English and Mandarin, Brian embodies a global perspective and is committed to advancing international education through strategic partnerships and cutting-edge advancements in technology.

Bruce Barrett

Job Titles:
  • Instructor
  • Officer for the Council of International Schools
An entrepreneurial mindset, coupled with 30 years of education, places Bruce Barrett firmly at the intersection of education and business. As an instructor with International School Leadership (ISL), Bruce leverages his experience as a classroom teacher, school administrator (secondary and elementary), and Superintendent, to meet the needs of school and system leaders alike. Bruce firmly believes that any educational system, its school, or component parts, is measured by achievement, well-being, and safety. His work with school administrators is designed to drive student achievement and engagement by leveraging the analysis of class, school, and system data. For the programs and participants to succeed, a commitment to ongoing conversations and regular monitoring visits is required. Those are key drivers to continuous improvement and that visibility is the gateway to positive relationships. A system of checks and balances keeps Bruce engaged with his clients. In addition to his work at ISL, Bruce also serves as an Accreditation Officer for the Council of International Schools, managing programs at 1000 elementary and post-secondary institutions across 115 countries. The seeds for a career in education were planted at an early age. Growing up in West Africa, Bruce demonstrated a level of enthusiasm and curiosity that continues to drive him today in the disciplines of school reform, leadership development, and athletics. Bruce stays current and leverages technology as part of effective instruction, school improvement and student success - the chief indicators of high performing systems. His visibility on networking platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIN, fosters engagement. Correspondence with prospective clients allows him to develop a program based on the voice of the stakeholder. Bruce continually moderates communal work, produces instructional videos for review and speaks broadly on the topic of the effective use of the Teacher Performance Appraisal as a tool for continuous growth. Addressing equity issues and gaps is a foundational piece in his quest to bring clarity and action to the system leader. It serves as a chief catalyst to the student achievement agenda. This notion of equity has been recognized as the most significant gap to address when trying to improve student achievement. The basic theme of equity is so pervasive and important for the historically disenfranchised. He has worked extensively with Indigenous communities and system leaders in both Ontario and Canada's North, including the Wikwemikong Board of Education. At its core, the work was about co-developing effective policies and procedures. His current work in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines seeks to strengthen school and system leadership. Bruce and his team are delivering the contextualized school and system level leadership programs, with foundational support including the development of a handbook for school leaders and a mentoring program to provide sustained support. Bruce is cognizant that we are currently at an important intersection in education - a convergence of technology, voice, and pedagogy. His work is about cultivating the environment that maximizes the opportunity and innovation in the very centre of this intersection. He is a proud husband and grandfather who sharpens his focus through woodworking, travel and being out in nature.

Dr. Andy Scott

Job Titles:
  • Director of Operations and Program
With a career spanning four decades, Dr. Andy Scott has become one of the preeminent voices in global education. He's the driving force behind projects that have influenced and impacted scores of system and school leaders around the world. The seeds for success within education were sown in earnest. Contributions to the success of students were made as a teacher, elementary and secondary principal and culminated in an appointment of superintendent of schools. His pursuit of a Doctorate in Education underscores his commitment to being a lifelong learner. Dr. Scott also serves as an Adjunct Professor at Charles Sturt University in Australia. Dr. Scott has authored and co-authored several articles including: System Thinking: Malmö Elementary Schools; What Matters Most in the Design of Universal Professional Learning for School Leaders: An International Perspective; School Leadership That Works: Ideas from Around the World; and How to Realize the Dream of Online Learning for School Leaders: Lessons Learned from African Principals. Dr. Scott relishes working with clients that want to actively engage with ISL and to contextualize the program to their surrounding and culture. The relationships he has forged abroad hold dear meaning. Making a difference is a commitment he continues to make - those experiences have helped him to become a better leader.

Dr. Celestin Ngirabakunzi

Job Titles:
  • Regional Representative - East Africa
Dr. Celestin Ngirabakunzi is known as a humble, strategic visionary who demonstrates commitment, integrity, and self-motivation. Dr. Celestin is passionate about education and educational leadership. He believes that education is the most important domain in the life of people and that a strong education system is foundational to national development. He also believes that high quality leadership at all levels of the education system is the key to success. Since 2018, working with Strategic Missions of South Africa, Dr Celestin has been assisting principals in establishing schools in East and Central Africa. In this role, he has been coaching and training school leaders and teachers (principals, administrators, registrar and facilitators) in Rwanda, Tanzania and Burundi. In addition, with these schools, Dr. Celestin is responsible for full operational oversight, business development, and campus compliance with reporting and accreditation requirements, and curriculum development. He is involved at all levels of leading the Strategic Missions schools.

Dr. Susie Lee-Fernandes

Job Titles:
  • Director of Professional Learning
Susie Lee-Fernandes has served in public education for over 23 years in the roles of teacher, principal and superintendent with responsibilities for equity, special education and leadership development. She is a dedicated educator and life-long learner, committed to culturally responsive leadership and authentic collaboration with community partners. Part of her own learning journey has included the completion of a Doctor of Education degree with an equity-based research focus on anti-Black racism in education. As the Director of Professional Learning, Susie is committed to developing and providing relevant, engaging and meaningful learning opportunities for school and system leaders. She believes in continuous growth and improvement within professional learning spaces that must be responsive to the diverse needs of Members and associates. Through relationship-building and professional learning networks, Susie is honoured to support principals and vice-principals in exemplary school leadership at the local, national and international levels.

Geraldine Delta

Job Titles:
  • Director of International Projects SEA Inc
  • Regional Representative, South America - Northwestern Region
Geraldine joins the OPC-ISL team in 2023 after over 25 years of working in the education system of Peru: Director of International Projects SEA Inc. Canada (2014-present), Villa Caritas and San Pedro Schools (English Teacher, Admission, counselor), and instructor at Catolica University. In the role as Director of International Projects SEA Inc., Geraldine works closely with OPC-ISL in developing Ontario study tours for Peruvian school leaders. The work involves recruiting participants, organizing the event, and monitoring the program. Geraldine is also involved in translating and delivering an OPC-ISL program (Leadership Essentials Certificate Program) for delivery in Spanish for school leaders in Columbia and Peru. Geraldine believes "that the work of an inspired educational leader is essential in the impact they have on their students and that each one of their students is a unique star with infinite potential."

Hans Nilsson

Job Titles:
  • Regional Representative, Sweden
The pursuit of excellence has motivated Hans Nilsson throughout his 45-year career in education. His passion for helping students be healthy and well-rounded, combined with his deep experience in Sweden's education system, give him unparalleled insights into what works for students, schools, and their leaders. The former teacher, principal, and (recently retired) superintendent has helped produce meaningful improvements in academic achievement among Swedish students. "We have raised results seven years in a row despite having thousands of newly arrived immigrants entering the system." At least as importantly, Hans has been involved with efforts to create common approaches and information-sharing among principals in Malmö, Sweden, such as a framework to guide new and long-serving leaders alike. During his time as an associated school director, he coordinated superintendents in the six districts of Malmö to develop their schools using a common approach. He also acted as the bridge between superintendents at different levels of the system, planned new schools, and created opportunities for schools and local companies to work together to prepare students for the future. He also organized annual conferences in his country's three biggest cities to enable system leaders to learn from each other and ultimately change education in Sweden. His experience has shown him that teaching educators isn't that different from teaching younger students. Trying to force change doesn't work. Rather, Hans says, "If they're not getting the results they want, you have to help them open their eyes to see something that might be a good idea." The real success comes when teachers, principals, and superintendents start to share what they've learned to help each other. Given his background as a national-level gymnast and coach, and his more recent work as a ski instructor and diving coach, Hans naturally emphasizes the importance of helping students be physically active in ways they enjoy. When educators connect with students and help them feel good about themselves, he says, achievement follows.

Joni Heard

Job Titles:
  • Instructor
  • Instructor With ISL
Joni Heard is a seasoned educator who rose through the teaching ranks and is deeply committed to the application of research-based practices and processes within the realm of educational leadership. Having served in a number of leadership roles, Joni's upward career trajectory includes being a consultant at the district level, vice Principal and principal, education officer, and seconded to the Ontario Ministry of Education for province-wide leadership development. As an instructor with ISL, Joni oversees a portfolio that includes: classroom instruction, online courses for current and aspiring educational school leaders, developing workshops for international education study tours and Government and Ministry relations. On the work and its impact, it's the opportunity to build the capacity of leaders around the world that continues to drive Joni. Providing her clients with the skills and knowledge, and also the dispositions around effective leadership at the school and systems level is a valuable part of the process. For the programs to succeed, the work has to be contextualized to the participants' setting. Case in point: Malmö, Sweden, where she helped the Malmö Elementary Schools implement a system-wide strategic plan. The jurisdiction determined a plan for improvement that centred on three key forces: system leadership, structural and process changes, and professional learning for all leaders. On its effectiveness, Anders Malmquist, School Director. Malmö Elementary Schools had this to say: "The learning and commitment have increased for everyone involved and by the power of collective learning we have built capacity within our teams." Joni deeply values the relationships forged within the international education community. Being part of a network that boasts a professional presence in terms of global leadership is very important to her. She loyally supports her clients and encourages them to carry on with the work long after she has left her mark. Joni is always willing to support and coach them along the way as the process depends on trust. Building relationships fosters trust, which is essential to creating impactful and lasting outcomes. A commitment to learn from those she works with is a guiding principle and she firmly believes that it has made her a more effective leader because of it. Joni is optimistic about how our new reality can be an opportunity to affect outcomes. For her, this is a time to engage with leaders and leverage a lot of the existing work to help prospective leaders move forward. Her enthusiasm for the work is shared by those who have benefitted from the instruction, while her love for the people involved cements her status as a sincere and committed instructor. Outside of ISL, she values spending time at her lake house and keeping up-to-date with a busy sports calendar.

Lisa Piquette

Job Titles:
  • Instructor
Lisa is passionate about education and providing professional learning opportunities for school and system leaders. She is energized by the challenge of continuous improvement and working collaboratively with others to support student achievement and well-being. Lisa has over 30 years of experience as a bilingual (English and French) educator. She held leadership positions at three levels of the Ontario education system - school, board, and Ministry of Education. Specifically, Lisa was a school principal of French Immersion and dual track schools (French and English), a school-board system leader responsible for curriculum and professional learning and Student Achievement Officer with the Ministry. Lisa is a highly skilled instructor who designs professional learning to include engagement, collaboration, deep thinking, research, data, and reflection on leadership practices and system coherence. She believes that the learning must connect research and practice in a meaningful and practical way to be valuable. Lisa also values the excellence that exists in all systems and seeks to elevate the knowledge and performance of all. As an instructor, Lisa taught the Ontario Principals' Qualification Program (260 hours) as a pre-service program for 3 cohorts of aspiring school leaders. Lisa also delivered a wide-range of workshops in her role at the Ministry, with a clear focus on change and improvement processes. For example, working with a team, Lisa established a network of multi-level leaders (teachers, principals, consultants, research experts, and superintendents) from nine school boards to work collaboratively on common problems of practice in Mathematics instruction K-12. Over a three-year period of the project, feedback was consistently positive, with strong testimonials of impact: "My staff shared with me, that the excitement that I bring back to the school after the sessions is contagious and encouraging to them. I am better positioned to see and bring alignment and connections …."

Nina Jaiswal

Job Titles:
  • Instructor
  • Educational Consultant and Former Superintendent of Education
Nina is an Educational Consultant and former Superintendent of Education with a stellar track record in championing high academic achievement while placing a strong emphasis on character development for all students. Armed with considerable expertise in leadership development, strategic planning, and community engagement, Nina is dedicated to fostering vibrant learning and working environments. Her approach is characterized by a commitment to safety, equity, diversity, and inclusion, ensuring that education goes beyond academics to encompass the holistic growth and well-being of every student. Currently, Nina collaborates with international agencies to enhance the leadership capacity of both emerging and experienced administrators. She has taught leadership courses globally and taught in both elementary and secondary panels internationally. Nina facilitates partnerships between Ontario universities and global educational organizations, fostering a collaborative and enriching exchange of knowledge and resources. In addition, Nina serves as a seasoned expert witness, and investigator specializing in school liability, matters related to discipline and physical injury, compliance, supervision, policy, and duty of care. Beyond her consultancy work, Nina dedicates her expertise to coaching staff at all organizational levels. Her coaching initiatives encompass career growth, preparation for promotions, the development of leadership skills, and the strengthening of competencies for various roles within educational institutions. Through these multifaceted roles, Nina actively contributes to the advancement and quality of education on both a national and international scale. Nina is a distinguished academic, holding an undergraduate degree from the University of Toronto and a Masters in Organizational and Administrative Studies from Brock University. Her academic prowess is complemented by a wealth of experience, as she served as a roster member and chair on the Accreditation Review Panel for the Ontario College of Teachers for over 13 years. In addition to her role in accreditation, Nina contributed to the field of education by teaching in the pre-service teacher program at the University of Toronto and additional qualification courses at York University. Nina's expertise extends to the realm of professional publications, with notable contributions in science curriculum for Nelson Publishing, and secondary math textbooks for McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Her scholarly work reflects a commitment to advancing the field of education through insightful publications and hands-on involvement in shaping the future of educators. In recent years, Nina served has made contributions on the professional learning for Ontario Public Supervisory Officers' Association (OPSOA) and as coach for Ontario Principal's Council. She is recognized for her partnerships with community agencies and families, promoting public confidence and increasing student achievement.

Stephen McCombe

Job Titles:
  • Instructor
For more than 35 years, Stephen McCombe has used his personal and career experiences to improve the lives of children. Having successfully guided several schools through difficult transitions as principal, he's well positioned to make a difference at the school and system level, while maintaining an unwavering focus on student achievement, especially in the face of adversity. In his work with ISL, Stephen has led virtual and in-person workshops for teachers, school owners, vice principals and principals around the world, with particular impact in places such as China, the Middle East, Uganda, Colombia, Costa Rica, and the Cayman Islands, as well as Esbjerg and Vejle in Denmark, and Malmö, Sweden. He strongly encourages prospective school leaders to push their thinking beyond the classroom and takes great pride in knowing that what they learn from him can be applied immediately to their own setting. He has been involved at the provincial level in Canada as an educational consultant in professional learning with the Ontario Principals' Council (OPC) and ISL. Stephen is aware that while the Ontario model has proven to be an excellent blueprint for success, there is no single approach that works for everyone, so he continues to educate himself on both emerging research and clients' unique needs and contexts. One of Stephen's greatest achievements is his examination of school and system leadership in Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory, a First Nations community on Manitoulin Island in northern Ontario. He worked alongside members of the Wiikwemkoong Board of Education to better understand their priorities and conducted interviews with band elders and a community historian, ultimately drafting a plan of action that reflected their culture in all its documents. The proposal was widely adopted and met with immense gratitude for its thoroughness and thoughtful approach. Subsequently, Stephen and an ISL team developed policies, procedures and a series of manuals to support the work of the board. During his time with ISL, Stephen has found the direct impact of the organization's work on student learning to be a persistent and powerful motivator. Knowing that administrators he has trained are actively working with its teachers who are in turn actively working with students to help them succeed provides an unparalleled sense of accomplishment and professional pride.