Dr. T.C. Hardy

Dr. T.C. Hardy can assist residents around or near Wellington Colorado who are looking for a specialist. Dr. Hardy is a board-certified Orthodontist Wellington who has devoted his career to assisting both kids and adults in straightening their teeth, correcting bite problems, and improving a variety of orthodontic problems. At Taft Hill Orthodontics, we provide a variety of treatment options to match your specific needs. Our treatments include traditional Wellington Braces, short-term braces, and other kinds of braces such as Lingual braces Wellington, as well as Wellington Invisalign aligners, Wellington Clear bracket braces, Invisalign TeenĀ®, surgical orthodontics, and treatment for temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). Dr. Hardy and his highly qualified team utilize some of the most advanced techniques available to help you reach your teeth goals comfortably and discreetly.