TOPTANK - Key Persons

Hugo Huges

Hugo Huges has been developing the tool since 1998. With every simulation project the model and the software of the tool have been updated and improved. Hugo has extensive experience in ports and terminals starting at Delft University where he graduated in Transportation Technology at the container terminal of ECT. Working as a consultant and projectmanager for Tebodin (Bilfinger) for 10 years, Hugo specialised further in the logistics of ports, tank terminals and simulations. During his time with Vopak he learned enough about the commercial drive, control, operations, investments and costs of tank terminals to start his own company in simulation of tank terminals. After 5 years of working on his own in this niche market, Hugo stepped into the world of Royal HaskoningDHV (RHDHV), a large consultancy agency. At RHDHV Hugo has broadend his skills to include conceptual designs, feasibility and due diligence studies of tank terminals.