Ferdinando Santamaria

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San Giuseppe

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  • Buona Festa Di
Buona Festa di San Giuseppe! Happy St. Joseph's Day!Today is the feast day of St. Joseph, patron saint of carpenters, fathers and the family, among others. This day is celebrated as Father's Day in Italy and is one of the most important celebrations in the Italian American community, especially among Sicilian Americans (like in New Orleans) because it is believed that St. Joseph saved Sicily from famine in the Middle Ages. Tradition includes creating a "St. Joseph's Day Table" or an "Altar," where a statue of St. Joseph looks down on a table offering of candles, lilly flowers, and food including fava beans (prepared for good luck), breads (crumbs to represent the sawdust from carpentry), and citrus are placed upon the table. The tables are three levels to represent the Holy Trinity. People traditionally give food to the poor. St. Joseph's Tables are more than simply altars of food. This ancient living tradition is an expression of charity, community, gratitude, and devotion.We hope you are enjoying some zeppole, the delicious deep fried dough balls today! And be sure to wish all the Josephs, Josephines, Giuseppes and Giuseppinas in your life a "Buon Onomastico!" #NIAF #ItalianAmerican #StJosephsDay #Festadisangiuseppe #Sangiuseppe #Sicilian #SicilianAmerican #Tradition #PatronSaint #FeastDay #Catholic #VivaSanGiuseppe ...