Lorna Bennett

After her A levels, Lorna spent a couple of years working in the hospitality industry before going travelling to Australia. After returning to the UK she ventured into the world of banking and mortgages. Veering her career path slightly, Lorna started working for a charity within their financial accounts department. She embarked on her AAT studies, passing her NVQ 4 in 2001, which is when she met Carole. Whilst pregnant with Ethan, she realised a more flexible working pattern may be required in the years ahead. Following a chance meeting with Carole in 2002, the opportunity arose to work together and the rest as they say is history... With two very active boys, free time is scarce! Weekends are usually spent venturing to different areas of the county (and beyond!) watching a variety of football and rugby matches. When she is at home Lorna enjoys reading, catching up with friends and family, going to the theatre and long walks with the family dog.