BARDIN - Key Persons

Jorgen Nielsen

Jorgen Nielsen the principal owner of Bardin is a long standing operational pilot and CEO of the airline Cimber air. Jorgen has a background starting of as an aircraft engineer aprentise in Cimber air . He aplied for a careere in the Royal Danish Airforce starting in 1977 and went through training in USAF and ended flying fighter aircraft such as the F -100 Super Sabre and the F- 16 fighting falcon in the RDAF . Ending in early 1986 he returned to the civilian flying for Cimber air . Since 1986 and until today he has held noumerous positions in a varaiety of aviation related jobs creating a number of new business units under the Cimber air brand Such as Cimber air support , or Cimber air maintenance center , or Cimber air Leasing , or Cimber air contractors. He has substantial trading experience in trading aircraft and an inside on maintenance and operational matters basicly an all around aviation man. "Been there seen that have a T- shirt showing it " He actually for a period of time was the airport manager of the hometown regional airport in Sonderborg. Now why all the chipmunk picktures , that is because flying the little chipmunk is a passion and a lot of fun. Jorgen is a member of the Danish Chipmunk 4 ship team the "Chip chaps" they fly on open air days at airshows and the likes with these DHC 1 Chipmunk veteran aircraft that deserves to be viewed by the public in their right element .