COPHE - Key Persons
Chris is a qualified CPA and has extensive expertise in financial and business management including data analytics. He has worked in the health sector for over 20 years including management roles in corporate services with various community health services as well as senior management positions in other organisations. Chris has created and reviewed financial models including business requirements for private and public medical practices and community service organisations.
Lis has held CEO and senior management positions in the community sector in both Tasmania and Victoria. She has worked extensively in social policy, advocacy and research, in sectors such as women's health, refugee and asylum seekers, and international issues. Lis is a Social Worker, has a Master of International Politics and is an adjunct academic with the Department of Social Work at the University of Melbourne. She is a current Board Director of a Community Health Centre.
Rod has extensive experience in the Australian health sector having been CEO of three Victorian Community Health services and a Medicare Local. Rod is a specialist in primary health planning in both the public and private sector. He has developed a range of innovative primary health products and ideas which have been influential at a policy and practice level. Rod is a former executive member of the Australian Healthcare Reform Alliance and has written and presented extensively about development of more sustainable and effective integrated primary health services.