Norton Rose Fulbright

Norton Rose Fulbright's financial institutions team provides straightforward legal updates. Our lawyers offer local insights with an international perspective recognised worldwide. This blog focuses on the South African market and is about sharing knowledge with you. Blog posts are not legal advice. Norton Rose Fulbright is a global law firm. We provide the world's pre-eminent corporations and financial institutions with a full business law service. We have more than 3800 lawyers based in over 50 cities across Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Australia, Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. Wherever we are, we operate in accordance with our global business principles of quality, unity and integrity. Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP, Norton Rose Fulbright Australia, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP and Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa Inc are separate legal entities and all of them are members of Norton Rose Fulbright Verein, a Swiss verein. Norton Rose Fulbright Verein helps coordinate the activities of the members but does not itself provide legal services to clients.

Patrick Bracher