MILLER'S DAIRY - Key Persons

Jack Millsap

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
I'm Jack Millsap a proud member of the Miller's Dairy TEAM. I grew up on a beef farm just a five minute drive south of Creemore and have been drinking Miller's Dairy Jersey milk ever since I was a kid. It's been a good experience to see the agriculture industry from the dairy side of things. At Miller's Dairy I am fully trained to work in the Plant bottling milk and making ice cream. I am primarily on the farm side where I milk the cows, do chores in the barn, feed and care for "the girls". You could say I am a Jack of all trades! Ever since joining the TEAM my experience has been very positive working with great people including my Uncle Dick.

Jessie Fox

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Hi, I am Jessie and I am proud to be a part of the Miller's Dairy TEAM. Since starting I have been welcomed with open arms and it's wonderful to work with such a great group of people! Miller's Dairy is a company that is progressively making a difference to protect our environment while still producing such amazing products. I run the office and I love coming in everyday! I get to deal with all of our amazing customers and clients. Hearing all of their admiration and love that they have for our brand has made it easy for me to call Miller's Dairy my second home.

Keith Brown

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Hello! My name is Keith Brown. My family and I are fairly new to the community. We left the big city and moved to Creemore in 2019. I have spent the last decade working in the dairy industry in various roles. I am very Proud to be one of the newest members of the Miller TEAM. Working for John and Marie and being able to deliver amazing Products is a true blessing for me.

Kevin Lageer

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Miller's Dairy fresh Jersey milk and Jersey ice cream is very popular now and as I drive the delivery truck I often get a friendly wave because people recognize the truck. My name is Kevin Lageer and I enjoy working for John and Marie. Along with driving the delivery truck I work in the bottling plant as the whole TEAM carefully bottles and packages your milk and ice cream. I feel a sense of pride interacting with our customers and building strong relationships with our patrons. I love being part of a high-tech farm where quality and safety are paramount. I am honoured to deal with this natural, high quality product that is of the highest nutritional value… and I think "the girls" like me!

Matthew Dodge

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Hello, my name is Matt Dodge. I was born and raised in Collingwood Ontario and have always carried a certain amount of local pride. My journey through life has seen me move around the province and even out to Vancouver British Columbia. While out west I started truck driving doing many long haul runs all over British Columbia, Alberta and many runs down into the United States. With all of my travels I eventually realized there was only one place I wanted to settle down to start my family and that was where I came from… home. I am excited to join the TEAM at Miller's Dairy because I believe in what they're doing! I feel proud to be a part of producing and delivering such a high quality product to my local community. I look forward to meeting our Miller's Dairy customers.

Michelle Firth

Exceptional quality, integrity, respect and compassion are just a few words I would use to describe Miller's Dairy. Hi, I'm Michelle and since day one, everyone has made me feel right at home. Hard work, high standards and a positive work environment not only contribute to amazingly delicious Jersey Products but also to an awesome TEAM setting. A TEAM that I am proud to be a part of!

Richard Millsap

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
My name is Richard Millsap, otherwise known as Dick. Jalon Farms is a progressive operation and well known in our local community and beyond. John is always focused on ways to advance and improve the operation and, as a result, we are provided with excellent working conditions. I enjoy everything that I do on the farm, especially working with the cows and the calves. A large portion of my day is also spent with equipment, doing field work, and feeding animals. When I get up in the morning and head to work, I know that I'm doing what I was meant to do… an I love it! When I'm not at work I'm thinking about the farm; it's definitely a big part of who I am. I've been working here for more than 20 years now, and have enjoyed every minute of it.

Shawn Corbeil

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Welcome to Miller's Dairy web site. I am Shawn Corbeil and I have been working on the farm most of my life. I am now happily married to Ashton and I am a proud father to Lauren and Liam, life is good! The best thing about working here is the diversity of work and my awesome co-workers, John included. I am learning every skill and every trade from heavy equipment to electrician to plumber. My main job is working at Miller's Dairy and occasionally doing tractor work. I have an awesome boss who is also an amazing step-dad and friend. John is a great role model and he is funny to boot. I'm proud to be a part of the TEAM at Jalon Farms, home of Miller's Dairy. Jersey milk tastes great so please enjoy!