MK-TOURS - Key Persons

Anna Emets

Job Titles:
  • Reservation & Sales Manager
Anna has 10 years experience as a tourist guide (from 1996 till 2006). She worked as an English-speaking and Chinese-speaking guide. Then in 2007 Anna changed her position in the field of tourism becoming a groups sales manager of the incoming tourism to Russia. She worked as a sales manager in various tourist agencies and from 2015 successfully works at MK-Tours Travel Company as a reservation and sales manager. Her guide's experience let her understand better travellers' needs & preferences and also helps her to control our service providers (guides, transport companies, etc.). To sum up, Anna has about 25 years of experience in tourism (as a guide and as a tourist manager). Anna speaks English and Chinese; and now is studying Spanish.

Mrs. Maria Kiper

Job Titles:
  • General Director and Head Sales Manager
Before becoming the director of MK-Tours Travel Company Maria worked in two other travel agencies related with incoming tourism in Russia. She started as a Sales Manager, then she was promoted to a Senior Sales Manager and afterwards became The Head of Incoming Tourism Department. To sum up, Maria has over 15 years experience of work in the field of incoming tourism in Russia, she has perfect organizational and leadership skills and speaks 3 foreign languages - Spanish, English and Italian.

Nadezhda Kuprina

Job Titles:
  • Reservation Manager & Senior Manager
Nadezhda has more than 5 years of experience in the incoming tourism and about 8 years of experience in working in a foreign company. She had a good experience in working as a visa support manager. Besides this her work experience at the international company as an English speaking manager has given her the ability and skills of communication, arranging and organizing some events. In our company Nadezhda is responsible for visa support requests, hotel reservation and financial control. Being attentive to each request she always tries to make her best to provide the required services to our clients appropriately and on a high quality level.

Olga Azarova

Job Titles:
  • Regional Director ( Norway & Sweden )
Olga lives in Norway and she is our representative in Scandinavian countries. Olga knows very well the scandinavian people, their needs and preferences as she has already lived in Sweden and then in Norway for more than 5 years. As she lives and works in Norway (Oslo), she is always glad to meet personally with the clients from Norway and explain them everything concerning their planned trip to Russia or some other services connected with their stay in Russia. Olga speaks 3 foreign languages - English, Norwegian and Swedish.

Roxana Viira

Job Titles:
  • Director, Private Accommodation Manager and Regional Director ( Spain & Chile )
Roxana has over 20 years of experience in the incoming tourism. She is a very creative, communicative and advanced person. She speaks 3 foreign languages: Spanish, English, Catalan. She knows very well the touristic market on the one hand and perfectly feels the preferences of tourists - on the other hand. So, her advise is always very useful for our staff. For about 10 years she lived in Spain (Barcelona) and now she partly lives in Russia (St. Petersburg) and partly in Chile (Santiago). She knows a lot about people in these 2 countries and about their touristic needs. That is why, besides being our PR-Director, she is our representative and regional director in Spain and Chile. Also Roxana deals with the short-time apartment rental (for foreign tourists for the middle and high touristic season). She has her own apartments (centrally located, totally repaired according to the European standards and fully equipped with all necessary stuff), which she offers for stay is St. Petersburg to our clients as an alternative to the hotel accommodation.