ORGTOOLS - Key Persons

Barbara Whitley

With a particular interest in work-life balance, psychometric assessment and stress awareness & management Barbara has worked with a number of prominent New Zealand companies to develop Stress Awareness and Management Programmes. Working with groups or individuals her focus has been on self-awareness and the enhancement of performance to facilitate the achievement of career and life goals. With a background in special education and counselling, Barbara has led a team of specialist teachers providing learning & development interventions and guidance to schools & families. This has included experience in providing training to teaching staff across broad educational and learning settings. As manager of a national Assessment and Professional Development Service in a field within special education Barbara led a team of specialist teachers, therapists and medical professionals. Barbara has also provided change management services to a national agency within the special education field.

Wayne McEwan

With over ten years in the management consulting and professional services industry, Wayne's experience as Director of Human Resources for one of New Zealand's largest professional services firms provided him with broad ranging expertise. Prior to this a career with the New Zealand Ministry of Defence involved a period as Director of Personnel Research & Psychological Services. During his time with Defence he also worked as the New Zealand member of the Senior Management and Leadership Development Team for the Australian Naval Staff College. This incorporated industrial relations, international trade and business relations, procurement, financial and marketing programmes as well as human resources. Earlier career experience involved Human Resources activities within the manufacturing sector. The main thrust of Wayne's activities is in general Human Resources and management consulting, psychometric assessment, recruitment & employment contract advice, organisational stress audits & stress management programmes.