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I have been teaching at Raphaeli for nearly ten years. What I love the most about our school are our children. I love watching them play at break. They make up the most creative games & play together. All ages join in & there is great happiness & lots of energy. They create forts & act out imaginative games that are inspired by what they are learning in class. Our children are happy individuals who are confident in their own skin. Witnessing their happiness inspires me as a teacher.

Ginny Johnstone

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Joining Raphaeli Waldorf has been a tremendous pleasure for me on so many levels. I am passionate about Waldorf education and have been a mom at our wonderful school for six years and so have seen first hand what Waldorf schooling does for a child. I am a mom of five special souls and am so grateful they have all had the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive at Raphaeli and I feel extremely blessed to be part of sharing the beauty, joy and wisdom of this holistic educational system with the world. I love the Waldorf philosophies of learning with our heads, hearts and hands and know that this approach is the key to unlocking the amazing gifts our children will take with them out into the world as they grow. A lover of children, the natural world, of creativity and inspiration I feel honoured to be part of this growing community.


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Having taught in various locations such as South Africa, England, and Dubai for 19 years, I can confidently say that I have rediscovered my passion for teaching since joining Raphaeli Waldorf School. The environment at Raphaeli Waldorf is reminiscent of a magical world of fairy tales, where children feel safe and comfortable while exploring the world around them. Incorporating music, singing, and movement into my daily rhythm is important for developing fine motor and gross motor skills, as well as vocabulary, mathematics and social-emotional development. Our Waldorf curriculum not only boosts a child's self-confidence but also allows them to develop a strong sense of self. It brings me great joy to assist children in becoming loving, good, and kind individuals who take pride in their growing independence and capabilities.

Lizelle Sauermann

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The day I discovered Raphaeli Waldorf School in 2019 was the day I said to myself, I am going to work there one day. My day came in 2022. I am filled with joy, inspiration and admiration for the Raphaeli school, staff and children.

Roxy Lourens

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