Ed Gillespie

Job Titles:
  • Bass Guitar
Ed has more than 25 years of musical experience on four- and five-string electric basses. He has toured and performed throughout North America and seventeen countries. While his first love in music is jazz, he is also experienced in other genres including rock, blues, Latin, and country.

Greg Perkins

Greg has been playing guitar since the age of thirteen. From age 14, playing rock, pop, R & B, blues and funk, he performed with various groups in the western United States and Hawaii. Since the age of 24, playing jazz has been his passion and small ensembles is his favorite setting. Greg is also an accomplished solo jazz guitarist, teaches guitar privately and strongly supports music education.

Larry Vaught

The most schooled in the group, with a Masters in Music Performance, Larry's expertise and experience comes through. Playing with names such as Gary Burton, Victor Borge, Doc Severenson, Chuck Magione, and Al Jarreau, Larry brings his years of experience to the Rhythmatones. He is toured throughout the country and now teaches throughout the Sacramento area.

Mark Wheeler

Music has always been a part of Mark's life. He played saxophone through elementary and high school, then studied as a classical saxophonist. It wasn't until his later years of college that jazz, R & B, pop and blues began to take hold. Since then, he has played in countries ranging from Ireland to Cuba to China and many others in between. Mark has recorded, produced and arranged for orchestra and studio projects, but is happiest inside a small combo on the backside of a deep groove.