Erik Suarez - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Sacred Wood Essence founder Erik Suarez has loved the ceremonial and sensory power of incense from an early age. The child of Cuban immigrants, Erik recalls his earliest encounters with frankincense and myrrh in church. has loved the ceremonial and sensory power of incense from an early age. The child of Cuban immigrants, Erik recalls his earliest encounters with frankincense and myrrh in church. A lifelong seeker, Erik traveled west as a young man and landed in Santa Cruz, California. While working as a massage therapist and exploring healing modalities, a dear friend introduced him to Palo Santo, and he was instantly smitten. As he traveled up and down the west coast, Erik loved to share palo santo sticks and smiles with the beautiful people he connected with at festivals. Lighting up a palo santo stick had the magical effect of lighting up so many people's faces! Entranced by the power of palo santo, he soon made the fateful decision to travel to Ecuador and learn everything he could about the source region. And so the seed of Sacred Wood Essence was germinated, and a sustainable company took root. Erik offers gratitude for the positive reception Palo Santo has received worldwide, and he envisions an abundant, harmonious future for all.