Julia Nesbitt

All those beautifully wrapped parcels that are sent all around the country probably have a bit of Julia's DNA somewhere on the packing tape. When not wrestling with boxes and creating our personalised labels, Julia assists in collating all the cocktail recipes that Tiffinie creates (as well as sneaking in a few of her own) and manning our stand on busy weekends. Julia also owns Secrets From The Shires, a fabulous gift company that celebrates small local businesses. Julia's aim is to bring together unique businesses from the Shires, and offer their products alongside each other in gift boxes and bags.

Kate Leech

Kate loves a show! She can be found at lots of stops on our annual roadshow, offering samples with a smile. Her favourite shows take place during the festive Christmas season as she's known to enjoy a carol or 2 and a christmas cocktail or 3.

Suzi Davis

With Suzi's years of marketing experience she helps us tell the world just how great our liqueurs taste. A whizz at social media and planning our yearly campaigns, Suzi is now based in Norfolk and when not helping us can be found exploring the beautiful east coast beaches. She is also our resident experimental cook and loves to create sweet and savoury delights using the full range of Wiltshire Liqueurs. Suzi is also an accomplished copywriter, working for a wide range of businesses across the UK. Find out more at Suzi Writes Copy.

Tiffinie Pride

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Owner
Tiffinie's favourite aspect of the job is to create new and interesting cocktails. In reality, the majority of her working life is the day to day running and expansion of the business with cocktail experimenting firmly a part-time hobby. Most weekends you will find Tiffinie manning our stand at the many events we attend throughout the year.