Joseph W. Valletta

Job Titles:
  • Owner
  • Principal
  • Loyola College - BBA Finance
Joseph W. Valletta is the principal owner of HR Investment Consultants, Inc. He has earned the designation of Chartered Financial Analyst and is a member of the Baltimore Security Analyst Society, Association of Investment Management and Research as well as the Profit Sharing/401k Council of America. Mr. Valletta has written numerous articles for periodicals and journals, including Pension Management, Employee Benefit News, Benefits and Compensation Solutions and Association Management. His ideas and comments on the retirement plan market have appeared in Wall Street Journal, Fortune, SmartMoney, Pensions & Investments, Institutional Investor, INC, CashFlow, CFO and Employee Benefit News. Mr. Valletta is a noted conference speaker and has presented his ideas on retirement plan strategies at the P&I Defined Contribution Conference, Mid-Sized Pension Management Conferences and Benefits Expo.