Dr. Audrey Shannon

Growing up on a farm, Dr. Audrey Shannon, DVM felt a strong connection with animals from an early age. After a brief flirtation with the humanities, she decided to combine her strong interest in science with her passion for animals. She entered the field of veterinary medicine, graduating from Washington State University's school of veterinary medicine in 2000. Having studied acupuncture concurrently with her veterinary course work, Dr. Shannon co-taught a class on acupuncture with a faculty member in her junior year. In her senior year, she conducted research on the effects of acupuncture on the immune and neurological systems of alpacas (acupuncture was shown to improve the condition of the animals in the study). After graduating from veterinary school, Dr. Shannon continued to study acupuncture and herbal medicine in online courses, at the International Institute of Chinese Medicine in Santa Fe (a human acupuncture school), and at the Chi Institute of Chinese Medicine in Reddick, Fla. The latter institute is the nation's leading veterinary continuing-education provider of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM), training licensed veterinarians to become cutting-edge animal health care providers in the areas of veterinary acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and other traditional skills. Dr. Shannon worked in regular medical veterinary clinics and in her own practice before establishing her current mobile holistic veterinary practice in Santa Fe, N. M.