GFC TRAFFIC - Key Persons

Gerard F. Charles

Gerard F. Charles is certified in Traffic Engineering. He received his certification from the University of California Irvine and Pasadena City College. Mr. Charles retired as the Traffic Engineer for the City of Westminster. His duties included producing traffic plans, traffic engineering drawings, traffic studies, vehicle radar studies, technical maps, and preparing detailed reports in accordance with Federal Highway Administration, the Department of Transportation regulations, State of California (CalTrans) requirements, City and County standards. Mr. Charles employment history includes working as a Technical instructor for Systems Engineering Technology Associate Corporation (SETAC) from 1978 to 1982, as a Traffic Engineer Aide for the City of Huntington Beach from 1974 to 1980, as a Traffic Engineer for the City of Westminster from 1980 to 2009. Mr. Charles is proficient in all areas of Traffic Engineering, Traffic Signal Design and Operations, Radar Operations, Surveying, Legal Liability, Risk Management, Speed Zoning, Traffic Investigation, the California Vehicle Code and the CA MUCTD. Mr. Charles was a senior member of California Traffic Specialists LLC. He has provided Traffic Engineering expertise since 1997. Mr. Charles is a court recognized expert in all of the various disciplines of traffic engineering. He has given expert testimony in both criminal and civil cases in California Superior and Municipal courts. He is thoroughly familiar with court procedures and decorum.