Jürgen Leuthold

Jürgen Leuthold will be avail able to super vise doctoral projects start ing in 2024.

Peter Gumbsch

Job Titles:
  • Hector Fellow

Prof. Dr. A. Stephen K. Hashmi

A. Stephen K. Hashmi is Profes sor for Organic Chemistry at the Univer sity of Heidel berg. From 2013 to 2019, he was Vice Rector for Research and Transfer. With his pioneer ing work in the field of homoge neous gold catal y sis, he has gained world wide fame. His research focuses on the produc tion of new gold catalysts and the devel op ment of innov a tive synthe sis methods and detailed mecha nis tic studies. Poten tial appli ca tions are in the produc tion of active ingre di ents for pharma ceu ti cals and compounds for materi als science, e.g. in the field of organic electronics. A. Stephen K. Hashmi has been awarded a Lecture ship at the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Tan Kah Kee Chemistry Lecture ship at Xiamen Univer sity (China) and the Fred Patti son Senior Lecture ship at the Univer sity of Western Ontario (Canada). He is a member of the ChemPub Soc Europe, the German Chemi cal Society, the Amercian Chemi cal Society, honorary member of the Argen tin ian Society for Organic Chemistry and holds an honorary profes sor ship at King Abdulaziz Univer sity (Saudi Arabia). Since 2016 A. Stephen K. Hashmi has also been editor of the Springer/Nature Journal "Gold Bulletin". A. Stephen K. Hashmi is currently unavail able to super vise doctoral projects.

Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius

Job Titles:
  • Researcher
  • Hector Fellow
Antje Boetius is Direc tor of the Alfred Wegener Insti tute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, and Profes sor of Geomi cro bi ol ogy at the Univer sity of Bremen. Antje Boetius is an inter na tion ally recog nized deep-sea researcher who explores the diver sity and biogeo chem istry of the ocean, includ ing its polar regions. She is inter ested in inter ac tions between geo- and biosphere and devel ops deep-sea technolo gies used to monitor the ocean environ ment. Among others, she has found anaer o bic methane-oxidiz ing microor gan isms that minimize methane emission in the sea, and inves ti gates the geoecol ogy of subma rine gas sources, and indica tions of rapid modifi ca tions of the arctic ecosys tem due to ice melting. Antje Boetius received the Federal Cross of Merit in 2019. Further more she received, inter alia, the German Environ men tal Prize, the Commu ni ca tor Price, the Leibniz-Ring-Hannover, an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) and the Leibniz Prize of the DFG. She is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopold ina), the Berlin-Branden burg Academy of Sciences and Human i ties (BBAW), the Academy of Sciences and Liter a ture Mainz, and of the Max Planck Society. Antje Boetius is currently unavail able to super vise doctoral projects. Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius is a world-renowned deep-sea researcher whose work focuses on the inter ac tions between the geosphere and biosphere and under wa ter technolo gies for observ ing the marine environment. Accord ing to Hector Fellow Antje Boetius, Direc tor of the Alfred Wegener Insti tute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, and Profes sor of Geomi cro bi ol ogy at the Univer sity of Bremen, it is part of the task and respon si bil ity of science to talk about risks and the conse quences of human activ ity on the Earth system and the climate.

Prof. Dr. Immanuel Bloch

Job Titles:
  • Chairman of Exper I Men Tal Physics, Ludwig - Maxim Il Ians - Univer Sity Munich & Quantum Many Body Systems Division, Max Planck Insti Tute of Quantum Optics
  • Hector Fellow
Immanuel Bloch is Profes sor for Exper i men tal Physics at the Ludwig-Maxim il ians-Univer sity Munich and Direc tor of the Max Planck Insti tute of Quantum Optics in Garching. He is one of the world's leading scien tists in the field of ultra cold quantum matter research near the absolute temper a ture zero point. Using laser beams, it gener ates artifi cial crystals of light in which ultra cold atoms can be captured. This enables the inves ti ga tion of funda men tal quantum mechan i cal processes in materials. His research was acknowl edged, inter alia, by the Harvey Prize, the Körber European Science Prize, a Synergy Grant of the European Research Council (ERC), the Senior Bose-Einstein Conden sa tion Award, the Leibniz Prize of the German Research Founda tion (DFG) and the Bavar ian Maxim il ian sor den for Science and Art (2021). He is also a member of the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopold ina), the Bavar ian Academy of Sciences and Human i ties, the Berlin-Branden burg Academy of Sciences and Human i ties (BBAW) and the Max Planck Society. Immanuel Bloch is currently unavail able to super vise doctoral projects. Hector Fellow Immanuel Bloch is one of the leading researchers in the field of quantum physics. He inves ti gates ultra cold quantum gases at temper a tures near absolute zero.

Prof. Dr. Jens Timmer

Job Titles:
  • Chairman of Theoret
  • Division of Data Analy Sis and Model Ing of Dynamic Processes in the Life Sciences, Univer Sity of Freiburg
Jens Timmer holds a chair for Theoret i cal Physics at the Insti tute for Physics of the Albert-Ludwigs-Univer sity Freiburg. He is one of the leading scien tists in the field of systems biology where he uses physics-inspired data-based mathe mat i cal models to under stand cell biolog i cal processes. His approach contributed to under stand signal ing pathways which contribute to the devel op ment of cancer. He is co-founder of the compa nies seleon GmbH and TNI medical AG that work in the field of medical engineering. Prof. Dr. Jens Timmer Division of Data Analy sis and Model ing of Dynamic Processes in the Life Sciences, Univer sity of Freiburg Jens Timmer is currently unavail able to super vise doctoral projects.

Prof. Dr. Jürg Leuthold

Job Titles:
  • Head of the Insti Tute of Electro
Jürg Leuthold is Head of the Insti tute of Electro mag netic Fields at the Swiss Federal Insti tute of Technol ogy (ETH) in Zurich. The physi cist is working on new concepts and methods of optical signal process ing at highest data trans mis sion rates. His research is aimed, among other things, at further increas ing the trans mis sion rate of digital infor ma tion, reduc ing energy consump tion and minia tur iz ing the compo nents used. For example, his group is known for the small est and fastest switches and detec tors in the field of optical and mobile communications. Profes sor Leuthold's work has been awarded an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (ERC), the State Research Award of Baden-Württem berg and the Doron Prize. He is a fellow of the Insti tute of Electri cal and Electron ics Engineers, fellow of the Optical Society, member of the Swiss Academy of Engineer ing Sciences, corre spond ing member of the Heidel berg Academy of Sciences and Human i ties and was a member of the Board of Direc tors of the Optical Society of America until 2018.

Prof. Dr. Klaus-Robert Müller

Klaus-Robert Müller is a profes sor of machine learn ing at TU Berlin and the direc tor of BIFOLD (Berlin Insti tute for the Founda tions of Learn ing and Data). He is an inter na tion ally renowned researcher in the fields of machine learn ing and artifi cial intel li gence. His focus lies on founda tional research at the inter sec tion of machine learn ing and big data manage ment, with a partic u lar empha sis on explain able AI, deep learn ing, and multi modal learn ing. Over the last three decades he has also been signif i cantly engaged in making the methods of machine learn ing and artifi cial intel li gence applic a ble to other scien tific disci plines, such as quantum chemistry, digital histopathol ogy, neuro science, and the human i ties, in order to create genuinely new knowledge. Klaus-Robert Müller is a distin guished profes sor at Korea Univer sity in Seoul and a member of the Leopold ina, the Berlin-Branden burg Academy of Sciences, and the German Academy of Engineer ing. In addition to various "best paper" awards, he received the Berliner Wissenschaft spreis of the Govern ing Mayor in 2014 and the Vodafone Innova tion Prize in 2017. Since 2019, he has contin u ously appeared on the list of "Highly Cited" researchers by Clari vate Analytics. Klaus-Robert Müller is currently unavail able to super vise doctoral projects.

Prof. Dr. Magdalena Götz

Job Titles:
  • Chairman of Physi
Magdalena Götz is Chair of Physi o log i cal Genomics at the Biomed ical Center of the Ludwig-Maxim il ians Univer sity, direc tor of the Insti tute of Stem Cell Research at the Helmholtz Center Munich and exter nal member of the Max-Planck Insti tute of Biochem istry in Martinsried. Her research focuses on mecha nisms of brain devel op ment and how neurons are gener ated. This led her to discover direct neuronal repro gram ming convert ing reactive glia after brain injury into new neurons. Her research now aims to move this further towards appli ca tion and apply cell engineer ing in a broader perspec tive includ ing her novel insights into organel lar diver sity in cells. She received the Gottfried-Wilhelm Leibniz Award in 2007, the Ernst Scher ing Award in 2014 and the Mendel Medal of the Leopold ina Academy in 2019 to name a few. In addition, she is a member of EMBO, the Bavar ian Academy of Sciences, Leopold ina and the Royal Academy of Pharmacy in Spain. Magdalena Götz is currently unavail able to super vise doctoral projects.

Prof. Dr. Manfred Kappes

Profes sor Kappes is profes sor at the Insti tute for Physi cal Chemistry and Direc tor of the Insti tute of Nanotech nol ogy and Group Leader at the Insti tute for Quantum Materi als and Technolo gies at the Karlsruhe Insti tute of Technol ogy (KIT). His research field involves size-depen dent proper ties of matter in the range of 0.5 to 10 nanome ters. Using self-devel oped ion beam and mass spectrom e try methods he examines how optical, electronic, mechan i cal and chemi cal proper ties change with the atomic number and the charge number of parti cles. He focuses, among other things, on produc ing novel carbon materi als with specific electri cal and mechan i cal properties. Manfred Kappes is a winner of the Van´t Hoff Prize of the German Bunsen-Society of Physi cal Chemistry. He was honored with the Xingda Lecture ship of the Univer sity of Peking (China). He is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopold ina), a member of the Heidel berg Academy of Sciences and Human i ties and a member of the Berlin-Branden burg Academy of Sciences and Human i ties (BBAW). Manfred Kappes is currently unavail able to super vise doctoral projects.

Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener

Martin Wegener is Profes sor at the Insti tute of Applied Physics at the Karlsruhe Insti tute of Technol ogy (KIT), Scien tific Direc tor of the Insti tute of Nanotech nol ogy at the KIT and speaker of the Cluster of Excel lence "3D Matter Made to Order" at KIT and the Univer sity of Heidelberg. His research focuses on the high-preci sion 3D additive manufac tur ing of artifi cial materi als, so-called metama te ri als. Tailor ing their "meta atoms" on the nanome ter or microm e ter scale makes it possi ble to achieve completely new charac ter is tics. For example, his team succeeded in realiz ing camou flage caps in a wide variety of physi cal systems. Martin Wegener received, among others, the Leibniz Prize of the German Research Founda tion (DFG), the State Research Award of Baden-Wuert tem berg, the Carl Zeiss Research Award and the Descartes Prize of the European Union. Besides, he is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopold ina), the German National Academy of Science and Engineer ing (acatech) and a fellow of the Optical Society of America. He is the initia tor, co-founder and share holder of Nanoscribe GmbH, a spin-off company that brings 3D laser litho g ra phy to the market. Martin Wegener is currently unavail able to super vise doctoral projects.