April Schimmel

Job Titles:
  • Biology / Chemistry

Kevin Quail

Job Titles:
  • Advanced Study and Special Education, Psychology

Sun Lee - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Founder
  • Principal
Sun Lee, a Seoul, Korea, native, who received her Bachelor of Science in mathematics at Chaminade University Honolulu, and is a master's and Ph.D. candidate in mathematics at University of Hawaii. As founder and director, Ms. Lee is committed to give all her students the opportunity to attain a college education at the highest level. She perpetuates the Collegiate Ivy League method of studying and expectations; giving hundreds of students the belief, desire, and preparation to attend an Ivy League University after high school. Thus, the Ivy Prep Academy is emulated in the same way with higher standards and a caring attitude. The Academy in Honolulu has quickly tended to these Ivy League goals in just two years after inception. Already, students have been accepted into Ivy League Schools and colleges. Others have garnered notable recognition for receiving almost-perfect scores on the SAT test. This has been a major accomplishment in such a short time and one can only imagine the astounding admittance in growth for Asian students humbly aspires for the "American Dream."