Anne Mason

Job Titles:
  • Office Manager
Anne serves as the office manager on staff. Anne has a passion to care for and connect people.

Bruce McKevitt

Bruce serves on the Eldership Team and on staff working with Finance and Pastoral Care. Bruce has an eye for detail and a heart for people.

Janette McKevitt

Janette serves on the Eldership Team. Janette has a very pastoral heart, with a passion for families and mission.

Jenni Harris

Jenni serves on staff in an administrative support role and also oversees the kids ministry. Jenni oozes creativity in all she does and has a passion in creating things to help kids learn about Jesus.

Kerry Muller

Kerry serves on the Eldership Team and brings with her many years experience in leadership and a passion for theology to be made relevant and accessible to our lives.

Peter Muller

Peter serves on the Eldership Team. A peace maker at heart, he brings encouragement in abundance to many areas of church life.