Claudia Joseph

Job Titles:
  • Director
Claudia Joseph moved to the Mid-Hudson Valley in 2019 to expand her permaculture consulting work. Located in between Kingston and New Paltz, the New York Permaculture Exchange (NYPE) is accessible by public transportation. Ms. Joseph taught numerous Permaculture Design Consultant (PDC) and other training courses, as well as garden related classes and workshops. She is a cultural creative and has been the subject of articles and film projects. She was highly visible in community gardening and public compost systems in Brooklyn, where she lived and worked from 2001-2019. Ms. Joseph was the first to teach permaculture design at Merritt College (Oakland, CA), Berkeley Ecology Center, Oakland Botanical Demonstration Gardens, and in NYC at the New York Open Center, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture, Just Food, The Old Stone House, and NYC Department of Parks and Recreation: participating in numerous panels, workshops and gatherings for diverse organizations. Ms Joseph is credentialed by Permaculture Institute of North America as well as Permaculture Institute USA. Ms. Joseph designs for public and private projects at every scale and from various aspects. Social design, effective communication and event planning are additional areas of her practice. An independent artist, permaculture consultant and teacher, Ms. Joseph was employed as the Director of Environmental Education at the Old Stone House of Brooklyn & Washington Park in Park Slope, NY from 2004 - 2018, where she designed, installed and maintained an interactive, educational, public landscape that refers to the Dutch colonial period. Comprised of eight garden areas in Washington Park and four areas at the adjacent Middle School 51, the combined gardens beautified over an acre of ground while creating green infrastructure at the top of the Gowanus flood zone.