SJNCS - Key Persons

Bill Derbyshire - CFO

Job Titles:
  • Director of Finance and Operations
Mr. Derbyshire recently transtioned from his long and memorable career as Principal of SJNCS to his current role, where he serves both the school and parish. After completing degrees in Business Administration (BA-Indiana University) and Education (MS - Trevecca University), he spent several years in Hotel Adminsitration before following his family's footsteps in education. Mr. Derbyshire was a teacher, coach, and principal before becoming our Director of Finance and Operations. He and his wife of 43 years, Marilyn, have 3 daughters and 8 grandchildren to keep them busy. Contact at

Fr. Joe Reed

Job Titles:
  • Pastor
Fr. Joe Reed was born and raised in Knoxville. He attended Sacred Heart School, then Farragut Middle and High Schools. He was a seminarian for the Diocese before joining Conception Abbey as a monk for almost twenty years. Fr. Joe earned additional degrees in theology from St. John's Seminary [Minnesota] and St. Vincent Seminary [Pennsylvania]. Over the years, Fr. Joe has taught and served as an academic advisor, spiritual director and director of liturgy at Conception Seminary College, worked in the business and vocations offices at Conception Abbey, and as a master of ceremonies while living and studying in Rome. Since his return to Knoxville, Fr. Joe has served as parochial vicar and school chaplain at Sacred Heart Cathedral . In addition to being the pastor of St. John Neumann Catholic Church and School, he continues to serve as the Diocesan Vocation Director, Co-Director of the Office of Worship and Liturgy, and Master of Ceremonies. Fr. Joe has a strong passion for Catholic education and for the Church's evangelizing mission. He also serves as a Missionary of Mercy. Contact at

Kelly Mechelke

Job Titles:
  • Principal
Kelly Mechelk e is a life-long learner. She has a bachelor's degree in Early Education and Special Education. She holds a masters degree in administration and director of instruction. Most recently she earned a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership. Some of the positions she has held include teaching for over twelve years in elementary schools and being a K-12 curriculum coordinator for six years. She was assistant principal and president of a prek-12 school system. In addition, she has been a principal for seven years. She has seen that positive relationships, trust, and accountability are what build a strong and caring culture. She is ecstatic to be a part of St. John Neumann's community and is looking forward to meeting all of you. Tennessee has been in her heart for years and she is very pleased to be relocating to this area. "I feel blessed that I will be a part of the St. John Neumann's team. I am looking forward to adding to St. John Neumann's positive, faith-filled culture." Contact at 865-777-0077.

Mary Marlowe

Job Titles:
  • Director of Admissions
Mary Marlowe graduated from the University of Tennessee Chattanooga with a degree in Communications. She traveled for a year as an Educational Leadership Consultant and then received her M.Ed. in College Student Affairs Administration from the University of Georgia. She came to SJNCS with experience in student activities, event planning, recruitment, and teaching in a preschool classroom. Growing up in a military family she was accustomed to being the new kid at school. Hence, she is passionate about helping new families feel welcome and creating a seamless transition to SJNCS. As the Director of Admissions, she oversees the admissions process and Mustang Ambassador program. She is involved in the development and execution of Harvesting for Him, the Derby Gala, Mustang Mania, and graduation. When not at SJN, Mary enjoys volunteering with Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, hiking, and spending time with her husband and two children. Contact at

Melissa Barnett

Job Titles:
  • Athletic Director
Melissa Barnett graduated from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga with a BS in Exceptional Learning and received her Master in Educational Leadership from Tennessee Wesleyan University. Melissa has over a decade of teaching experience in special education and coaching at the high school level. In more recent years, she has been embedded in both the fitness and non- profit sectors in Knoxville before returning to education as the Athletic Director at St. John Neumann. Melissa loves to see kids achieve inside and outside of the classroom and is dedicated to growing our sports teams and program to better develop young leaders and change makers for Knoxville Catholic and out in the world. Contact at

Patrick Wade

Job Titles:
  • Director of Development
Patrick Wade received his undergraduate and master's degrees from the University of Tennessee. He worked in college student affairs for several years and then transitioned to collegiate alumni affairs and major gifts fundraising. He then served as executive director of The Pat Summitt Foundation for several years before coming to St. John Neumann. As Director of Development, he oversees all fundraising initiatives for both the parish and the school. Patrick and his wife, Anna have two children here at SJNCS: June and David. In his spare time, Patrick loves spending time in the great outdoors, especially hiking and backpacking. Contact at

Sabrina Talley

Job Titles:
  • Academic Dean
Sabrina Talley graduated from Maryville College with a degree in Child Development and Learning. She received her M.S. in Education as a Reading Specialist at the University of Tennessee. With experience teaching kindergarten, second, and fourth grades, as well as three years as the Reading Specialist at St. John Neumann Catholic School. She is passionate about finding ways for each student to feel accomplished and valued. As the Academic Dean, Mrs. Talley is involved in the development and implementation of curriculum and instruction, standardized testing, ELL, staff development, school discipline, and communication. When not at school, Sabrina enjoys spending time with her husband and two young daughters. Contact at 865-777-0077.

Stephanie Greiner - CCO

Job Titles:
  • Director of Communications
Stephanie recieved a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Masters in Secondary Education from the University of Tennessee, where she was active in student affairs, Greek life, and campus ministries. After years teaching in Texas and Tennessee, she began her career in Catholic schools in the Diocese of Knoxville. Stephanie coordinates communications for the school and parish, in addition to serving as the Executive Assistant to Fr. Joe. She and her husband, Andy, are parishioners of SJN and parents to Maddie (SJNCS Class of '22) and Lila (SJNCS Class of '24). In her free time, she enjoys traveling with family and friends and taking care of her menagerie of animals. Contact at