Jason Burack

Jason Burack is an investor, investment analyst, entrepreneur, financial historian, Austrian School Economist, contrarian and the driving force behind the popular Wall St for Main St podcast about investing and the economy. He believes in free markets and limited government like Ron Paul and has read over 500 books on business, investing, economics, entrepreneurship and other related topics. Jason co-founded the startup investor education and financial education company Wall St for Main St, to try to help the people of Main Street by teaching them the knowledge, skills, research methods, and investing expertise of Wall Street. He feels this will help make sure people are better prepared to navigate through these difficult financial waters. Jason is co-author of The Dragon Metals Report on rare earth elements, The Petro Profit Report and the Treasure Hunting for Precious Metals Stocks Report on precious metals. His interviews and articles were featured on Forbes, Money Show, Financial Sense, Financial Survival Network, SGT Report, X22 Report Spotlight Interview Channel, The Gold Report, The Critical Metals Report, The Morgan Report, GoldSeek and The Daily Gold. Jason's signature Wall St for Main St podcast covering many topics about investing and the economy has over 3 million views on its YouTube channel, over 16k YouTube subscribers and has an average of 12k iTunes downloads per month. Jason accomplished all of this without a dime spent on a marketing budget. Jason is also attempting to get funding for his educational technology company which could potentially help solve the student loan debt crisis by offering students of all ages a real world financial education from successful investors and business experts in their field at an affordable price. Jason also hopes to be a hedge fund manager someday.