Paul Bergman - President

Job Titles:
  • President
  • Senior Consultant
Paul Bergman is President of WCP and Former Canadian Representative for the PMI Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.) Advisory Group (2014 - 2016) At World Class Productivity (WCP), we help individuals and organizations improve their productivity in managing projects. Improved productivity results in more efficient use of resources, less overtime, fewer cost overruns, fewer complaints, more satisfied clients, and greater profits. To help our clients, we provide a full range of project management and agile training and consulting services that have helped leading companies and organizations in Canada and the United States since 1995. Our highly interactive courses incorporate the best in adult learning principles to provide participants with hands-on tools and practical skills they can apply as soon as they leave the course. Our services are geared to organizations and individuals serious about improving their organization's project management effectiveness and maturity. Our three day fundamental level Project Management Essentials (PME 1) course is one of the most popular and longest running project management courses in Canada, with thousands of participants having taken the course since it was first introduced over 20 years ago. Courses like our two day Hands-on Microsoft Project (MSP) course and our 2 day Juggling Multiple Projects course (the first of its kind in Canada) are the standard by which similar courses are measured. WCP courses are available for in-house delivery anywhere in Canada and the United States, and have been delivered to over one hundred clients representing over a dozen industry sectors including government, healthcare, banking, insurance, IT, mining, utilities, telecommunication, construction and manufacturing.